Film scene with Susanne Cramer, Claus Biederstaedt

Film Studies: Collection and Collective? – TWO IN A SLEEPING BAG (Rainer Geis, FRG 1956); SUMMER, SUN, AK8 (Helmut Schneider, GDR 1956)

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Film scene with Susanne Cramer, Claus Biederstaedt
Image: Murnau-Stiftung / Deutsches Filminstitut
This event is in the past.
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Evening Lecture
Act/Performance/Cinema Show
Kino im Schillerhof
Helmboldstraße 1
07749 Jena
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Wheelchair access
Image: Deutsches Filminstitut

Two in a sleeping bag:

"As young Peter enters his paddle boat on a warm summer morning for some cruising about the river, a young girl – totally tattered and blowsed – turns up beseeching him to give her a lift.

Merely an hour later Peter regrets his helpfulness because the allegedly helpless maid turns out to be the snooty daughter of rich parents. She badgers the poor rower non-stop for her stories of the 'great, wide world' and that she only got into this unpleasant situation because her father wanted to send her to boarding school and so she ran away. Peter seems to be quite unimpressed by all this and rather ponders how to get rid of that drama queen. For the moment, however, they need to camp together what's naturally not going to proceed without complications having such a spoiled young lady like Karin around..." (Source: filmportal.deExternal link)

Summer, Sun, AK 8:

"This documentary, filmed in b/w for a third and in Agfacolor for the last third, reports on six different people who obtain a cine camera at a hire service for thei holiday time. Their different interests for the short-term acquisition of the 'AK 8' are staged in this film. The documentary shows the technically well-engineered, ruggedly built and easy to use camera in the most diverse situations whereby  the advantages of the AK 8 are portrayed strikingly but persuasively like in an advertising film to encourage the GDR-citizens to treat themselves to this 'luxury' of home filming." (Source: defa-stiftung.deExternal link)