Zum Auftakt der Kleine Fächer-Wochen: ein Scienceslam!

Opening Event "Rare Discipline Weeks"

Inauguration of the Rare Discipline Weeks. Contributing Rare Disciplines present themselves with a Science Slam.
Zum Auftakt der Kleine Fächer-Wochen: ein Scienceslam!
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
This event is in the past.
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Fürstengraben 27, Großer Sitzungsaal
07743 Jena
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Wheelchair access
Start 18:00 Uhr
Welcome address and introduction

Prof. Dr. Eva Winter (Dean of Studies, Arts Faculty)

Greetings Prof. Dr. Iris Winkler (Vice President of Studies and Teaching)
Glottis-Rock Speech Science (Christiane Brick, Hans Nenoff, Kerstin Schuck, Maite Tritschler, Melanie Weirich)

Vielfalt im Kaukaus (Caucasian Diversity)

Caucasian Studies (Elgunja Dadunashvili, Diana Forker, Tamar Khutsishvili, Natia Reineck)

Die ersten 1.400 Jahre Europas (The first 1,400 years of Europe)

Classical History (Hansjoachim Andres)

Von Flandern nach Neapel – Ein Reisetagebuch auf Latein (From Flanders to Naples – A Travel Diary in Latin)

Latin Philology of the Middle Ages and Modern Times (Annalisa Ricchizzi)

 Geschichte Osteuropas – Ein Verkaufsgespräch (The History of Eastern Europe – A sales conversation)

Eastern European History (Klara Muhle, Immo Rebitschek)

 Wheel, Cakra, Zyklus – Wie die Räder unter die Sprachen kamen (Wheel, Cakra, Cycle – How the wheels hit the languages)

Indo-European Studies (Dennis Pieter, Daniel Schulz)

Keynote Speech


 "At home in the World of Tomorrow. Why 'Rare Disciplines' are essential."

Prof. Dr. Markus Hilgert (Secretary General of the Cultural Foundation of the Federal States)


Ton, Steine, Scherben – aber keine Dinosaurier! (Clay, Stones, Shards – but no Dinosaurs!) Pre- and Early Historic Archaeology (Maximilian Mewes)
Von Homer, Platon, Sophokles – und wie sie alle heißen ...! (Of Homer, Plato, Sophocles – and what they're all called ...!) Greek Philology (Rainer Thiel)
Werde Waldschrat – oder Rumänist! (Become a hobgoblin – or a Scholar in Romanian Studies) Romanian Studies (Valeska Bopp-Filimonov, Victoria Popovici)
Jena goes Balkan – Balkan goes Jena Southeastern European Studies (Christoph Giesel)
Backflamingo an Fischsauce – Experimente antiker Kochkunst (Baked Flamingo with Fish Sauce – Experiments of ancient Cooking) Classical Archaeology (Norman Brunnenkref, Carla von dem Bussche, Wilhelm Naumann, Rita Horn)
Autopsie des Alltags (Everyday Life's Autopsy) European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology (Annie Eckert, Isabell Malohn)
24 Kunstwerke die Sekunde (24 artworks per second) Film Studies (Lena Koseck)
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