Opening Event "Rare Discipline Weeks"
Inauguration of the Rare Discipline Weeks. Contributing Rare Disciplines present themselves with a Science Slam.
Start | 18:00 Uhr |
Welcome address and introduction |
Prof. Dr. Eva Winter (Dean of Studies, Arts Faculty) |
Greetings | Prof. Dr. Iris Winkler (Vice President of Studies and Teaching) |
Glottis-Rock | Speech Science (Christiane Brick, Hans Nenoff, Kerstin Schuck, Maite Tritschler, Melanie Weirich) |
Vielfalt im Kaukaus (Caucasian Diversity) |
Caucasian Studies (Elgunja Dadunashvili, Diana Forker, Tamar Khutsishvili, Natia Reineck) |
Die ersten 1.400 Jahre Europas (The first 1,400 years of Europe) |
Classical History (Hansjoachim Andres) |
Von Flandern nach Neapel – Ein Reisetagebuch auf Latein (From Flanders to Naples – A Travel Diary in Latin) |
Latin Philology of the Middle Ages and Modern Times (Annalisa Ricchizzi) |
Geschichte Osteuropas – Ein Verkaufsgespräch (The History of Eastern Europe – A sales conversation) |
Eastern European History (Klara Muhle, Immo Rebitschek) |
Wheel, Cakra, Zyklus – Wie die Räder unter die Sprachen kamen (Wheel, Cakra, Cycle – How the wheels hit the languages) |
Indo-European Studies (Dennis Pieter, Daniel Schulz) |
Keynote Speech
"At home in the World of Tomorrow. Why 'Rare Disciplines' are essential." |
Prof. Dr. Markus Hilgert (Secretary General of the Cultural Foundation of the Federal States) |
Ton, Steine, Scherben – aber keine Dinosaurier! (Clay, Stones, Shards – but no Dinosaurs!) | Pre- and Early Historic Archaeology (Maximilian Mewes) |
Von Homer, Platon, Sophokles – und wie sie alle heißen ...! (Of Homer, Plato, Sophocles – and what they're all called ...!) | Greek Philology (Rainer Thiel) |
Werde Waldschrat – oder Rumänist! (Become a hobgoblin – or a Scholar in Romanian Studies) | Romanian Studies (Valeska Bopp-Filimonov, Victoria Popovici) |
Jena goes Balkan – Balkan goes Jena | Southeastern European Studies (Christoph Giesel) |
Backflamingo an Fischsauce – Experimente antiker Kochkunst (Baked Flamingo with Fish Sauce – Experiments of ancient Cooking) | Classical Archaeology (Norman Brunnenkref, Carla von dem Bussche, Wilhelm Naumann, Rita Horn) |
Autopsie des Alltags (Everyday Life's Autopsy) | European Ethnology/Cultural Anthropology (Annie Eckert, Isabell Malohn) |
24 Kunstwerke die Sekunde (24 artworks per second) | Film Studies (Lena Koseck) |
Get together |