Sophie-Luisa Hopf

Sophie-Luisa Hopf, M.A.

Staff member of the DH Lab project, contact person for social media (Instagram) and the DHnet Jena
Sophie-Luisa Hopf
Image: Lars Heinrich

Sophie-Luisa Hopf completed her Bachelor's degree in Media Studies at the University of Paderborn in 2018. She worked as a photographer until she began her subsequent studies. Sophie-Luisa Hopf completed her Master's degree in art history and film studies at Friedrich Schiller University Jena in 2023. The thesis with the topic "The Afterlife of Aphrodite in Botticelli's Birth of Venus. Knowledge potentials of digital iconology" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Verena Krieger and Prof. Dr. Bernhard Groß. 

Since 2023, Sophie-Luisa Hopf has been working for the Digital Humanities as a staff member in the DH-Lab project, as well as a contact person for social media (Instagram) and the DHnet Jena.

  • Curriculum vitae

    Since 2023 research employee at the Junior Professorship for Digital Humanities at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

    2021 - 2023 Research Assistant at the Junior Professorship for Digital Humanities at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena

    2020 - 2021 Tutor at the Seminar for Art History and Film Studies at Friedrich Schiller University Jena

    2019 - 2023 Master's degree in art history and film studies at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, degree: Master of Arts (1,2)

    2017 - 2018 Freelancer at the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Jugend und Literatur NRW e.V. (NRW State Working Group on Youth and Literature).

    2016 Student assistant at the Institute for Food, Consumption and Society at the University of Paderborn 

    2014 -2018 Bachelor's degree in Media Studies at the University of Paderborn, degree: Bachelor of Arts (1.8)

  • Publications

    Fritsche, Katrin/Hopf, Sophie-Luisa/Münster, Sander: Perspectives of Learners on Videos as Learning Resources with A Special Focus on Their Format Aspect and Derivations for Related Feedback Processes, in: Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Research in Education, 2023, DOI: link