Dora Luise Münster

Dora Luise Münster, Scientific assistant; DH Uni Jena

Dora Luise Münster is a research associate in the third-party funded project Teaching-Learning-Hub: Digital History (DHLabor). After successfully completing her studies in teaching at elementary schools at the Technical University of Dresden, she completed her traineeship at a project school for the promotion of gifted students and worked in this field for several years as a teacher and consultant. Since 2022, she has been a member of staff at the Junior Professorship for Digital Humanities, and contributes her practical school experience to, among other things, the application for the DHLabor project, the implementation of a school project on the churches in Jena, and the establishment of the Digital History Teaching-Learning Lab.

  • Curriculum vitae

    Since 2022 Research assistant at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena

    2018 - 2020 Pedagogical assistant at the Saxonian counseling center for the promotion of gifted students 

    2010 - 2022 Teacher at various primary and community schools in Dresden and Jena

    2008 - 2010 Traineeship at the project school for the promotion of gifted students 16th elementary school  Dresden

    2004 - 2008 Study of teaching at elementary schools and Protestant theology at the Technische University of Dresden 

  • Teaching

    Scientific course held

    DH-Certificate-03: Practical Seminar: Teaching History Digitally to Pupils 

  • Research interests

    o Support for especially gifted children

    o Teaching-Learning-Labs as extracurricular places of learning

    o Use of digital media in history-related teaching and learning