Subject concept

In the Digital4Humanities project, a subject concept is being developed based on the results of the evaluations of the video tutorials and virtual learning modules.

In the Digital4HumanitiesExternal link project, a subject concept is being developed based on the results of the evaluations of the video tutorials and virtual learning units. This is intended to provide a basis for integrating virtual teaching and learning units into the curriculum, particularly for subjects in the humanities. Among other things, the concept explores the following questions:

  • Which skills can be taught through virtual learning units for students?
  • How can digital research and methodological skills be transferred?
  • What role do video formats have for students' individual study? And how should they ideally be designed?
  • In what way can (self-)learning offerings be integrated into existing curricula?
  • How can a commitment to the use and understanding of (self-) learning offers for students be created?

Such a concept is especially important for the humanities since digital competencies are usually only taught in specialized courses of study. Requirements for the work area of future humanities scholars, changes in the world of living and working caused by digitalization, and, last but not least, the Corona pandemic illustrate the relevance of innovative, digital teaching and learning concepts. The subject concept is intended to address the chances and risks of these concepts and their suitability for teaching.