Dr. Katrin Fritsche

Katrin Fritsche has a doctorate in communication and media studies.

  • current research priorities:
    Digital tools and research methods
    Digital analysis of textual data
    Digitization, education and democratization of knowledge
    Digital Humanities Pedagogy
    Empirical social research
  • CV


    • 2022 – today: Freelance author for learning content at lehrer-online.de (Eduversum GmbH)
    • 2020 – today: Researcher at the Professorship of Digital Humanities at FSU Jena
      • researcher in the Horizon Europe project DIGICHerExternal link (Digitisation of the cultural heritage of minority communities for equity and renewed engagement)
      • researcher for the Digital Humanities area in the BMBF funded THInKI joint project (Thuringian University Initiative for AI in Studies)
      • Project coordinator in the BMBF funded research project "Digital4Humanities" – Modular self-learning offers to teach digital research methods in existing humanities courses
    • 2019 – today: Freelance lecturer at the International Vocational Academy (Focus:Social Work)
    • 2020: Consultant at the Thuringian Institute for teacher training, curriculum development and media (ThILLM Bad Berka) of the Thuringian Ministry for Education, Youth and Sport; Focus Thuringian school cloud
    • 2019 – 2021: Freelance expert for the Swiss/ Zurich learning forum
    • 2018 – 2020: Honorary researcher in the research project GUS (health and accident behavior in everyday school life) of the Institute for Demographic Change at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
    • 2016 – 2017: Lecturer in the Federal Volunteer Service related to refugees at the BMFSFJ for the Federal Office for Family and Civil Society Tasks; Education center in Sondershausen
    • 2016 – 2020: Research associate in the Department of Media and Communication Studies at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg
    • 2015 – 2016: Creative employee at Lecturio GmbH Leipzig
    • 2014 – 2016: Lecturer for special tasks in the field of media and communication sciences at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

    Studies and PhD:

    • 2014 – 2019: Doctorate at the FSU Jena, Institute for Communication Science; Economics and organization of the media
      • Topic: The thematization of media structures in the media - how the media (not) report about the media
      • Graduated magna cum laude
    • 2011 – 2013: Master of Arts: Political and Social Communication Research at the University of Erfurt
    • 2007 - 2011: Bachelor of Arts: Communication Sciences and Intercultural Business Communication at the FSU Jena
  • Publications and conferences
    • Fritsche, K. (2024). Creating Sonic Immersiveness: Sound Generators and Digital Audio Workstations for Generating Sound and Music for Digital Stories. IDEAH, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.21428/f1f23564.b8af72cfExternal link 
    • Fritsche, K. & Münster, S. (2024). Taking up Artificial Intelligence as teaching and learning content in the Digital Humanities – topics, categorisations, and examples. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Research in Teaching and Education (ICATE), Prague.  https://doi.org/10.33422/icate.v1i1.225 External link 
    • Fritsche, K. (2024). Am I AI, too? An input with resources for teachers and interested parties - Lightning Talk AI in focus at the University Future Festival: Tales of Tomorrow. Program: https://festival.hfd.digital/de/programm-2024/External link·           
    • Fritsche, K. (2024). Artificial Intelligence as a teaching and learning content in the Digital Humanities – subject areas, applications and possible extensions. Presentation at the International Conference on Advanced Research in Teaching and Education (ICATE), Prague.
    • Münster, S., Fritsche, K., Hopf, S.-L., Sun, Y., Münster, D.L. (2024). Digital4Humanities concept for the design, implementation and use of digital self-learning units in audio-visual form for teaching digital-methodological humanities topics. In: T. Köhler (Ed.). Handbook E-Learning, 106. Hürth: Wolter Kluwer. pp.1-49.
    • Fritsche, K. (2023). Fundamentals of the digitization of social work. Study manual for the AKAD Distance University. Only available internally. AKAD Bildungsgesellschaft mbH.
    • 2023: Digital Humanities Summer Institute - Aligned Conference: Open/Social/Digital Humanities Pedagogy, Training, and Mentorship; University of Victoria
      • Presentation: Designing sound and music as an integral part of digital storytelling: creation and production with digital and AI-based applications as part of project-based Humanities courses
    • Fritsche, K. & Münster, S. (2023). Perspectives of Learners on Videos as Learning Resources with A Special Focus on Their Format Aspect and Derivations for Related Feedback Processes. 6th International Conference on Research in Education, Vienna.
      • DOI: 10.33422/6th.icreconf.2023.03.010 
    • Münster, S., Fritsche, K., Hopf, S.-L., Sun, Y. & Münster, D.L. (2023). Digital4Humanities professional concept: Technical concept for the design, implementation and use of digital self-learning units in audio-visual form to convey digital-methodological, humanities topics.
      • DOI: 10.22032/dbt.57914
    • Fritsche et al. (2023). Designing feedback processes in digital teaching-learning settings for students and teachers - A guide.
      • DOI: 10.22032/dbt.56713
    • Schlippe, T., Fritsche, K., Sun, Y. & Wölfel, T. (2023). AI-Based Visualization of Voice Characteristics in Lecture Videos’ Captions. In: Artificial Intelligence in Education Technologies: New Development and Innovative Practices. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology.
      • DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-8040-4_8
    • Fritsche, K. & Münster, S. (2022). Video tutorials for teaching the humanities: conceptual steps for creating screen and slidecasts. die hochschule 1-2/2022.
    • Fritsche, K. (2022). Teaching digital audio skills – status, example scenarios and agenda for embedding the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) GarageBand in a Digital Humanities teaching-learning scenario. Proceedings of the 3rd Global Conference on Education and Teaching, Amsterdam.
      • DOI: 10.33422/3rd.globalet.2022.07.200
    • 2022: 4th International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education, Berlin.
      • Posterpresentation: From a student perspective: video tutorials as a learning resource in Humanities courses - and how they should be.
    • Fritsche et al. (2022). From a student perspective: video tutorials as a learning resource in Humanities courses - and how they should be. TLEConf 03/22. Proceedings of The 4th International Academic Conference on Teaching, Learning and Education, Berlin, 2022
    • Iwen, I., Fritsche, K. & Schroth, E. (2022). Pandemiebedingte digitale Hochschullehre und soziale Ungleichheit - Ein Praxisbeitrag. Welche Risiken birgt digitalisierte Kommunikation und Interaktion im Hochschulkontext bezüglich Inklusion und Partizipation Studierender und Dozierender? Zeitschrift für Diversitätsforschung- und Management. 1/2022. Barbara Budrich.
    • Münster, S., Fritsche, K., Richard-Risetto, H., Apollonio, F., Ähnlich, B., Schwarze, V. & Smolarksi. R. (2021). Teaching Digital Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities - The current stae and prospects. In: The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XLVI-M-1-2021 28th CIPA Symposium “Great Learning & Digital Emotion”.
    • 2021: vDHd (virtual Digital Humanities in the german speaking area) annual conference 
    • 2021: DELFI - Conference on educational technologies of the GI specialist group
      • Contribution: Modulare Selbstlernangebote zur Vermittlung von digitalen Forschungsmethoden in existierenden Kursangeboten der Geisteswissenschaften
    • 2021: Implementation of the acquired and virtual Learning by Watching conference
    • Fritsche et al., (2021). Digital4Humanities. Modulare Selbstlernangebote zur Vermittlung von digitalen Forschungsmethoden in existierenden Kursangeboten der Geisteswissenschaften. In: Andrea Kienle et. al. (Hrsg.): The 19th Conference on Educational Technologies (DELFI). Bonn.
    • 2021: E-Learning Day at the FSU Jena; contribution in Showcase and virtual exhibition stand
    • 2020: Conference of Communities in New Media (Geneme)
      • contribution: Modulare Selbstlernangebote auf Basis von Videotutorien zur Vermittlung digitaler Forschungsmethoden in den Geisteswissenschaften
    • Fritsche et al. (2020). Modulare Selbstlernangebote auf Basis von Videotutorien zur Vermittlung digitaler Forschungsmethoden in den Geisteswissenschaften – Forschungsstand und curriculare Perspektiven. In: T. Köhler, E. Schoop & N. Kahnwald (Hrsg.). Communities in New Media. From hybrid realities to hybrid communities. p.441-451. Dresden: TUDPress.
    • 2020: 21. DINI annual conference
      • contribution: Videotutorials als Selbstlerneinheiten im Flipped-Classroom-Konzept am Beispiel der Vermittlung geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschungsmethoden in Form von Screencasts.
    • 2020: University Future Festival of the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung
      • Workshop: Anforderungen an und Gestaltungskriterien von Videotutorials und Screencasts als Selbstlerneinheiten - ein fallbeispielbasierter, diskursiver Online-Workshop zur Bewertung und Diskussion von Inhalts-undGestaltungskriterien von Videotutorials und Screencasts als Selbstlerneinheiten
      • contributionExternal link
    • Fritsche, K. (2020). Die Thematisierung von Medienstrukturen in Medien - Wie Medien über Medien (nicht) berichten. Jena. DOI: 10.22032/dbt.40499
    • Fritsche, K. (2019). Studentin an der MLU - und dann? Eine genderzentrierte Befragung zur Einschätzung Studierender in Bezug auf ihre aktuelle Studiensituation und einer möglichen wissenschaftlichen Berufsperspektive. Halle. DOI: 10.25673/32001
    • Fritsche, K. (Hrsg.). (2018). Media anthropology. Theoretical assumptions and debates. Halle. DOI: 10.25673/13393
    • 2017: Organisation of the conference „Digitalization of political education“, Bad Oeynhausen
      • Keynote „Theoretical aspects"
    • 2017: Founding meeting Kritische Kommunikationswissenschaft at LMU Munich
      • Impulse „The discussion of media structures in the media – reporting in public and specialist media“
  • Teaching and Training

    Current courses and courses held (selection):

    • Generative AI for humanities scholars
    • Text 4.0: Approaches and tools for the digital analysis of text(s)
    • Dig Deep: AI-based methods for digital analysis and classification of text(s)
    • Media and communication theories, media usage research, media analysis, media anthropology
    • Social pedagogical research, interculturality, social work with refugees
    • Who is actually watching this? Media content and student use
    • Social media phenomena under the microscope
  • Supervised theses


    • Media analysis (TV, social media, print) and media reporting
    • quantitative and qualitative content analysis
    • Political communication through media
    • Media competence, media criticism, media education
    • Organization and economics of media
    • Implementation of theoretical and practical social work approaches in various institutions
    • Inclusion and participation
    • Covid-19 and social impacts