So-called Plotinus' Sarcophagus, 3rd quarter 3rd century AD, Vatican Museums

Foundations of Europe in Antiquity and the Middle Ages

Area in development
So-called Plotinus' Sarcophagus, 3rd quarter 3rd century AD, Vatican Museums
Image: Arachne (

The Chair of Ancient History is a member of the area in development "Foundations of Europe in Antiquity and the Middle Ages". Here, research from the numerous disciplines at the Friedrich Schiller University dealing with Antiquity and the Middle Ages is brought together across faculties. The aim is to examine selected phenomena in many cultures from the circum-Mediterranean area via Persia and India to China. The transfer and transformation problems raised by this are to be studied in the longue durée from Antiquity via Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages with its impact on Renaissance humanism and the Reformation in their effects on contemporary Europe. The Chair of Ancient History contributes to this with its projects and international cooperations.

We are involved in the current DFG Research Training Group 2792 Autonomy of Heteronomous Texts in Antiquity and the Middle AgesExternal link

The area in development "Foundations of Europe in Antiquity and the Middle Ages" relates to the Liberty profile line of the University.

  • Participating disciplines

    Faculty of Arts

    • Historisches Institut (Mittelalterliche Geschichte)
    • Institut für Altertumswissenschaften
    • Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik (Mediävistik)
    • Institut für Germanistische Literaturwissenschaft (Ältere deutsche Literatur, Germanistische Mediävistik)
    • Institut für Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft (Historische Sprachwissenschaft)
    • Institut für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (Kunstgeschichte des Mittelalters)
    • Institut für Musikwissenschaft
    • Institut für Orientalistik, Indogermanistik, Ur- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie
    • Institut für Philosophie (Antike und Mittelalter)

    Faculty of Theology

    • Altes Testament
    • Neues Testament
    • Kirchengeschichte
    • Religionswissenschaft

    Faculty of Law

    • Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Römisches Recht und Europäische Rechtsgeschichte

    Faculty of Biological Sciences

    • Geschichte und Philosophie der Naturwissenschaften
  • Publications

    Research results are in part published in the following series: