Digital Humanities Certificate Programme

Digital Humanities Certificate Programme


Target group and recommended preliminary knowledge

(1) The certificate programme is aimed at FSU Jena students in the Master's or advanced Bachelor's programme. Students from other universities who are not already enrolled at FSU via other programmes require a second student status ( de).

(2) Knowledge of one or more modern foreign languages, including English, is recommended.

Aim of the certificate programme

(1) The certificate programme Digital Humanities is intended to provide an application-oriented qualification and comprises the sub-areas of the development of basic informatics competences as well as project-related applications of the Digital Humanities:

  1.  Basic informatics competences
  • Knowledge of basic concepts and applications of programming and their implementation
  • Knowledge of types, functions and applications of databases
  • Knowledge of concepts, processes and methods of computer modelling and software engineering
  • Knowledge of concepts and functionalities of web technologies

     2. Applications of the Digital Humanities

  • Knowledge of the epistemic location and application fields of the digital humanities.
  • Acquisition of competences to independently plan, implement and evaluate the digital processing of topics in the humanities and cultural sciences.
  • Acquisition of practice-relevant knowledge for the conception and application of third-party funded projects in the Digital Humanities.

(2) The degree in the Digital Humanities certificate programme, in combination with a suitable Master's programme, qualifies the student to employ diverse and complex tasks in professional practice either in the field of digital humanities or in collection, research and mediation contexts after an appropriate familiarisation period.

Design and contents of the study programme

(1) The certificate programme Digital Humanities comprises compulsory modules amounting to 30 credit points according to the "European Credits Transfer and Accumulation System" (ECTS1).

(2) The study programme is modular structured. Each module is a teaching and examination unit. Individual modules consist of seminars, exercises, independent studies and other forms of teaching and learning. A module usually extends over one to a maximum of two semesters. The subdivision of the certificate programme Digital Humanities into modules as well as the credit points associated with the modules can be found in the module descriptions and the study plan.

Module code

Module title


DH 1

Basics of Applied Computer Science for Humanities Students


DH 2

Digital Humanities Methods


DH 3

Digital Humanities Practice


DH 4

Digital Humanities Project Development


(3) Examination registration takes place directly with the teachers of the respective module and not via the electronic examination administration system (Friedolin).

Module descriptions

(1) The module descriptions provide information about the module coordinator, the prerequisites for participation in the module, the volume of work, the forms of learning and work as well as the examination requirements and forms. If different forms of examination are stated in the module description, the choice of the type of examination will be announced by the responsible lecturer in the first course session. The same applies to the assessment criteria.

(2) Module descriptions and recommendations for the planning of the study progression (study plan) are part of the module catalogue.

Duration of the certificate programme

(1) The certificate is acquired during the course of study and usually takes one year. The start of the certificate study programme is freely selectable.

Subject advice and registration

(1) For subject-specific study problems, advice is available at the Chair of Digital Humanities (Image/Object). The consultation for the individual modules is carried out by those responsible for the modules and is intended to support individual study planning.

(2) The Central Student Advisory Service of the Friedrich Schiller University is available for non-subject-specific study problems.

(3) Registration for the certificate is done informally via the Chair of Digital Humanities (image/object):

1 ECTS credits: Credit points are awarded in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System. 1 credit point corresponds to a time expenditure of 30 working hours.


Summer semester 2024

Module code


Time Lecturer Registration
DH 2

Methods of the Digital Humanities

Fr. 12.15-13.45 o'clock s.t. Prof. Dr. Sander Münster via FriedolinExternal link
DH 3

Generative AI for humanists 

Tu. 16.15-17.45 o'clock s.t. Dr. Katrin Fritsche via FriedolinExternal link
DH 4 Digital Humanities Project Development

Fr. 10.15 - 11.45 o'clock s.t.

Clemens Beck, Dr. Ying Sun  via FriedolinExternal link

Winter semester 2023/24

Module code


Time Lecturer Registration
DH 1

Fundamentals of Applied Computer Science for the Humanities ( Overview Seminar)

Fr. 10.15-11.45 o'clock s.t.

Dr. Ferdinand Maiwald, Clemens Beck, Prof. Dr. Sander Münster via FriedolinExternal link 

Programming for humanities students

Mo. 12.15-13.45 o'clock s.t.

Elodie Sacher via FriedolinExternal link
DH 2 

Methods of the Digital Humanities

Fr. 12.15-13.45 o'clock s.t. Prof. Dr. Sander Münster via FriedolinExternal link
DH 3

Text 4.0: Approaches and tools for the digital analysis of text(s)  

Tu. 16.15-17.45 o'clock s.t. Dr. Katrin Fritsche via FriedolinExternal link
DH 3

Dig Deep: AI-based methods for digitally analysing and classifying text(s) 

Tu. 16.15-17.45 o'clock s.t. Dr. Katrin Fritsche via FriedolinExternal link
DH 3

Block event: Teaching history digitally to pupils 

25.10.2023, 15:00 - 16:30 (introductory event), two further block course dates to follow  

Prof. Dr. Sander Münster, Dora Luisa Münster, Rebekka Dietz, Sophie-Luisa Hopf

via FriedolinExternal link

Summer semester 2023

Module code


Time Lecturer Registration

Programming for humanities students

Mo. 12.15-13.45 o'clock s.t. Sacher Elodie, J.Prof. Dr. Sander Münster, Dr. Ferdinand Maiwald via FriedolinExternal link oder per Mail

Methods of the Digital Humanities

Fr. 12.15-13.45 o'clock s.t. J.Prof. Dr. Sander Münster, Prof. Dr. apl. Robert Gramsch-Stehfdest via FriedolinExternal link oder per Mail
 DH3 Text 4.0 - Approaches, research questions and tools for the digital and AI-supported analysis of texts Self-guided online course Dr. Katrin Fritsche, J.Prof. Dr. Sander Münster via FriedolinExternal link oder per Mail
DH4 Digital Humanities Project Development

Fr. 10.15 - 11.45 o'clock s.t.

Clemens Beck via Friedolin External linkoder per Mail


Summer semester 2022

Module code


Time Lecturer Registration
DH2 Methods of the Digital Humanities

Fr. 12.15-13.45 o'clock s.t.

J.Prof. Dr. Sander Münster, Prof. Dr. Robert Gramsch-Stehfest via FriedolinExternal link or via Mail
DH3 Practice of the Digital Humanities Wed. 12.15 - 13.45 o'clock s.t. J.Prof. Dr. Sander Münster, Dr. René Smolarski via Friedolin External linkor via Mail
DH4 Digital Humanities Project Development Fr. 10.15 - 11.45 o'clock s.t. J.Prof. Dr. Sander Münster, Dr. René Smolarski via Friedolin External linkor via Mail


Winter semester 2021/22

Module code


Time Lecturer Registration
DH1 Fundamentals of Applied Computer Science for the Humanities ( Overview Seminar) - 5 LP


10.15-11.45 o'clock s.t.

Dr. René Smolarski via FriedolinExternal link or Email
DH2 Applications of Digital Humanities (Colloquium) - 5 LP


12.15-13.45 o'clock s.t.

J.Prof. Dr. Sander Münster, Prof. Dr. Robert Gramsch-Stehfest via FriedolinExternal link or Email
DH3 Conveying Jena's city history by means of digital storytelling (seminar) - 5 LP


12.15-13.45 o'clock s.t.

Susanne Karsten, J.Prof. Dr. Sander Münster via FriedolinExternal link or Email