Clivus Scauri

Das Weströmische Reich und seine Erforschung - neue Perspektiven​

Clivus Scauri
Image: Biblioteca General Antonio Machado (Fondo Antiguo), Sevilla


Research into the history of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century AD has made visible progress in all areas in recent decades. This conference, hosted by Timo Stickler (Jena) and Umberto Roberto (Naples), is a German-Italian cooperation and intends to reflect the current state of knowledge and to provide new impulses for future studies in the field of the history of the Western Mediterranean between 395 and 476 AD.

Augusti Augustorum, maximi Augustorum! Deus vos nobis dedit, deus vos nobis servet! Romani imperatores et pii felices, multis annis imperetis! Bono generis humani, bono senatus, bono rei publicae, bono omnium! Spes in vobis, salus in nobis! Ut vivere delectet Augustos nostros semper! Orbe placato praesentes triumphetis! Haec sunt vota senatus, haec sunt vota populi Romani!
From Gesta senatus Romani de Theodosiano publicando, 25. December 438 AD


The conference will be held via Zoom. The login details will be communicated to registered participants by e-mail. If you are interested in participating, please contact Jessica Kahl, M.A. 


  • Wednesday, 2nd June 2021

    18:00 Uhr Greeting
    Tilman Seidensticker, Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät

    18:15 Uhr Opening lecture
    Vernichtung, Übergang, Fortdauer. Der Fall Roms und die Kontinuität des Lokalen
    Rene Pfeilschifter, Würzburg

  • Thursday, 3rd June 2021

    09:00 Uhr Greeting
    Timo Stickler, Jena

    09:15 Uhr Introduction
    Umberto Roberto, Neapel

    Section I: Empire and Court
    Moderation: Timo Stickler, Jena

    • 10:00 Uhr Schattenkaiser? Die weströmischen Kaiser und ihre Strategien zur Gewinnung neuen Handlungsspielraums
      Henning Börm, Bochum
    • 10:20 Uhr Der Untergang des Römischen Reiches - Warum der Osten überlebte
      Mischa Meier, Tübingen
    • 10:40 Uhr Discussion
    • 11:00 Uhr Digital coffee break

    Moderation: Hans-Ulrich Wiemer, Erlangen

    • 11:30 Uhr I funzionari orientali e l‘Occidente
      Laura Mecella, Mailand
    • 11:50 Uhr „All the generalissimo's men“ - Delegating Military Authority in the Western Roman Empire c. 395-493
      Jeroen Wijnendaele, Gent
    • 12:10 Uhr Discussion
    • 12:30 Uhr Lunch break(offline)

    Section II: Administrative and Legal Aspects
    Moderation: Arnaldo Marcone, Rom

    • The talk of Elio Dovere (Neapel) has to be cancelled due to an illness.
    • 14:30 Uhr Autorità imperiale e autonomia senatoria. Fenomenologia di una crisi
      Fabrizio Oppedisano, Pisa
    • 14:50 Uhr Discussion
    • 15:00 Uhr Digital coffee break

    Section III: Cultural-historical Aspects
    Moderation: Udo Hartmann, Jena 

    • 15:30 Uhr Nur mehr stille Distinktion? Otium-Konzepte und die Transformation senatorischer Statusdiskurse im spätantiken Gallien
      Tabea Meurer, Mainz
    • 15:50 Uhr Discussion

    16:00 Uhr Short Summary
    Timo Stickler, Jena & Umberto Roberto, Neapel

  • Friday, 4th June 2021

    09:45 Uhr Greeting
    Timo Stickler, Jena & Umberto Roberto, Neapel

    Section IV: Religious Aspects
    Moderation: Bruno Bleckmann, Düsseldorf 

    • 10:00 Uhr Pope Leo, Valentinian III's Court and the Christological Controversy (448-455)
      Philippe Blaudeau, Angers
    • 10:20 Uhr Essere pagani dopo Teodosio: Roma ed oltre
      Carla Sfameni, Rom
    • 10:40 Uhr Discussion
    • 11:00 Uhr Digital coffee break

    Section V: Archaeological and Epigraphic Aspects
    Moderation: Giuseppe Zecchini, Mailand

    • 11:30 Uhr 'Imperatori a Roma - Imperatori e Roma' nel V secolo. I contesti
      Lucrezia Spera, Rom
    • 11:50 Uhr L’adorazione delle colonne nelle chiese: tra persistenze pagane e simbologia cristiana
      Ignazio Tantillo, Neapel
    • 12:10 Uhr Discussion
    • 12:30 Uhr Lunch break (offline)

    Section VI: Regional Aspects 
    Moderation: Philipp von Rummel, Berlin

    • 14:00 Uhr Im Westen nichts Neues? Die Iberische Halbinsel im 5. Jh. n. Chr.
      Sabine Panzram, Hamburg
    • 14:20 Uhr Römische Barbaren und neue Horizonte. Nordafrika im 5. Jh. n. Chr.
      Roland Steinacher, Innsbruck
    • 14:40 Uhr Discussion
    • 15:00 Uhr Digital coffee break

    15:30 Uhr Résumé
    Timo Stickler, Jena

    16:00 Uhr Closing discussion


Digital coffee break: The Zoom-conference remains open. If you like, you can join a smaller group for further discussion or small-talk - feel free to bring your coffee.

Lunch break (offline): The Zoom-conference will be closed during the lunch break. You have to join the conference again, it will open at 13.45.