
Welcome to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)
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To submit your doctorate and habilitation documents, please make an appointment: Tel: +49 3641 9-44000 or email: philosophischefakultaet@uni-jena.de

The IT support of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities de can be reached via the ticket system de or by email(gw-it@uni-jena.de).

The Faculty of Arts and Humanities is not only the founding faculty, but also one of the largest faculties at Friedrich Schiller University Jena. 12 institutes offer study places to more than 3,500 students. The Faculty of Arts and Humanities sees itself as a classical faculty with a focus on Language and Literature, Art and Philosophy, History and Communication. Students can choose between 28 bachelor's, 10 teacher training and 25 master's degree programmes.
Learn more de

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