Sander Münster studied economics, history and educational science at the TU Dresden until 2009 and completed his doctorate in 2014 in the field of educational technology under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Thomas Köhler and Prof. Dr. Stephan Hoppe on "Interdisciplinary cooperation in the creation of historical 3D reconstructions". 2021 he submitted his habilitation thesis in media computing at the University of Regensburg. This thesis on "Digital 3D technologies for humanities research and education" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff, Prof. Dr. Hans Gruber and Prof. Dr. Malte Rehbein.
Main research areas:
- Digital 3D Reconstructions, esp. work processes, standards, presentation and discourse integration
- 3D digitization of cultural heritage, especially automation and user-generated content
- Information systems for 3D models
- Science Analysis and Informetrics
- Methodological changes through image- and object-related digital humanities in art and architectural history research
- Visual research processes and visual perception
Curriculum Vitae
- Since 2024: Member/Reviewer of ARCHE WG2 as preparatory action for the upcoming EU Horizon Europe Partnership for Resilient Culture Heritage (RCH)
- Since 2024: Member of the Executive Board of ICOMOS / ISPRS International Committee for Documentation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA)
- Since 2022: EU EIT Creativity & Culture:
- Member elect of Action Programme Commitee „Policy Optimiser“
- Member elect of the Steering Board Selection Committee
- Since 2021: Coordinator of the EU S3-Partnership on Virtual and Smart Cultural HeritageExterner Link, mandated as pilot action in 2021 by the European Commission; as permanent action from 2023.
- Since 2019: Founding Partner, DMA-SCE i.G. European Cooperative SocietyExterner Link, Berlin (Germany): Co-initiator and founding partner of the DMA-SCE i.G. as European Cooperative Society of 10 SME companies in the field of digital heritage. Main purposes are: enabling heritage enabled business chains, supporting transfer of research into commercialisation, provide complementary services based for academic heritage innovations.
- Since 2019: J.Professor for Digital Humanities FSU Jena, Jena (Germany)
- Since 2019 (reelected in 2023): Secretary elect of the Time Machine OrganisationExterner Link, Vienna (Austria)
Other positions in the Time Machine Organisation:
- Ambassador for Germany (since 2018)
- Head of the Project Scouting Service as central unit for funding / funder related activities of the Time Machine Organisation (since 2020).
- WP lead for "Innovation and outreach" during the FET Flagship CSA phase 2019/2020 - Since 2004: Founder and owner of 3D graphics agency 3DkosmosExterner Link. The agency specialized in science visualization completed ~200 projects so far. 3D stills, animation, interactive 3D content are frequently published by television broadcasters, high impact journals like Nature, international fairs or exhibitions.
Former Positions
- 2011-2020: Lecturer at College of Fine Arts, DresdenExterner Link for digital 3D technologies in fine arts.
- 2019: Visiting Researcher Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles (United States)
- 2018: Teaching Fellow: Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Bologna (Italy)
- 2018–2019 Visiting Professor: Chair of Didactics of Information Science / Faculty of Information Science, TU Dresden, Dresden (Germany)
- 2017-2019: Coordination of the preparations of an interdisciplinary English-language Master program for Digital Humanities with a focus on "Digital Curation & Museums" at the TU Dresden
- 2017-2019 Member of the working group "Teaching Development" of the Rectorate of the TU Dresden
- 2017-2019 Head of workgroup 1.3 "International Partnering" of the Virtual Multimodal MuseumExterner Link Coordination and Support Action (funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme CULT-COOP-8-2016)
- 2016: Fellowship at University College London – Research Group for Digital Humanities (September-November)
- 2016-2019: TUD Young InvestigatorExterner Link status (appointed by the TU Dresden Faculty of Education as an assessor and examiner in doctoral procedures, participating in teaching, integrated in faculty esp. Faculty Council attendance as guest)
- 2015-2019: Head of research group “Multimodal Access to large-scale image repositoriesExterner Link” (funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), 2015-2020)
- 2016-2019: Work package leader: EU-ICT 19 project “U_Code - Urban Collective Design Environment: A new tool for enabling expert planners to co-create and communicate with citizens in urban designExterner Link” (2016-2019)
- 2012-2019: Head of Department of Media Design, Media CenterExterner Link, University of Technology Dresden
- 2012-2014: Research Associate, Department of Business Administration, especially Information Technology / industrial computer science, University of Technology Freiberg
- 2010-2019 Research Associate at the Department of Media Design, Media Center, University of Technology Dresden, Deputy Head of the Department
- 2008-2011: Freelance system and network administrator. Main activities: implementation and support of client-server infrastructure, information management, Technical Event Support
- 2008-2010: Freelancer, Ingenieurbedarf Schreiber-Schöne GmbH, Dresden-Rossendorf. Main activities: design and implementation of Windows Terminal Server systems
- 2008: Student assistant at the Department of Art History, University of Technology Dresden
- 2007: Student assistant at the Department of Educational Technology, University of Technology Dresden
- 2001-2008: Systems administrator, Institute of Radiopharmacy, Helmholtz Research Center Dresden
Higher Education
- 2018-2021 (submission): Post-Doc-Thesis, Media Computing, University Regensburg, Topic "Digital 3D technologies for humanities research and education", Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Christian Wolff, Prof. Dr. Hans Gruber and Prof. Dr. Malte Rehbein.
- 2010-2014 PhD studies, Faculty of Education at the University of Technology Dresden, Dissertation Topic: Cross-disciplinary cooperation due projects for historical 3D reconstruction (Interdisziplinäre Kooperation bei der Erstellung virtueller geschichtswissenschaftlicher 3D-Rekonstruktionen), Grade: summa cum laude
- 2003-2009 Studies in History and Education at the University of Technology Dresden, Thesis: Nuclear Research in the GDR as Big Science? (Kernforschung in der DDR als Großforschung?), Grade: very good
- 2000-2003 Studies in Business Education at the University of Technology Dresden
References and Awards
- 2017 Nomination for Outstanding Paper Award - Categorie: "The most innovative research contribution or case study", EGOV-EPART-Conference. Paper: Klamert, K. & Münster, S.: "Child's play - A literature based survey on gamified tools and methods for fostering public participation in urban planning"
- 2013 Best Student Paper Award, International Communication Association (ICA) - Visual communication division
- 2010 Movie Award of the European Association of Urology (3rd prize)
- 2009 Movie Award of the German Society of Urology (2nd prize)
- 2016 TU Dresden Graduate Academy travel grant for short-term research stays abroad: University College London.
- 2013 DAAD-Travel grant: International Communication Association Meeting London.
- 2013 Erasmus Staff Mobility: Université de Strasbourg.
- 2019 First place: W1 tenure track professorship for Digital Humanities at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.
- 2018 Second place: Career professorship for Digital Humanities with a focus on museology at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz.
- 2017 Second place: W1 professorship for Digital Humanities with a focus on art history at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg.
Project Proposal Reviewer
Frequent proposal reviews e.g.:
- Israeli Sceince Foundation (IL).
- Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NL).
- Leibniz Gesellschaft (DE).
- AHRC (UK).
- Swiss National Science Foundation (CH).
- Rijksbanken (SE).
- Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (AT).
- DFG (DE).
- EU JPI Cultural Heritage.
Journal Reviewing & Editing Activities
- Since 2019: Journal: MDPI Applied Sciences
- Since 2018: Journal: ACM JOCCH
- 2017 Journal: Sehepunkte
- 2017 Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports
- 2016 Reviewer GOR2017
- 2016 Reviewer, International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT)
- 2016 Session co-organizer: User-centred Visualization for digital Cultural Heritage (Session accepted for EUROMED 2016, Lemessos / Cyprus).
- 2016 Session organizer: Visual Knowledge (Session at IFKAD 2016, Dresden).
- 2016 Session co-organizer: Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management (Session at IFKAD 2016, Dresden).
- 2015 Editor in chief: Book project: How to manage data and knowledge related to interpretative digital 3D reconstructions of Cultural Heritage? (Springer LNCS volume, publication announced for May 2016)
- 2014 Workshop organizer: The 2nd International Workshop on ICT for the Preservation and Transmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage: How to exchange Cultural Heritage 3D objects and knowledge in Digital Libraries? (Workshop held at EUROMED 2014, Lemessos / Cyprus).
- 2014 Reviewer, International Communication Association - Visual communication division (ICA)
- Since 2013 Reviewer, GeNeMe
Graduate academies
- 2016-2019: Young Investigator Training Program „Fast Forward“
- 2013-2019: Member of TU Dresden graduate academy
- 2010-2012 Member of graduate school: Studium fundamentale: Key competencies for Leadership (TU Dresden)
Memberships and Committees
- Since 2022: Scientific advisor of EU "CoVHer – Computer-based Visualisation of Architectural Cultural Heritage"
- Since 2021: Advisory board member of BAUREKA onlineExterner Link
- Since 2020: Advisory board member of Gotha transdigitalExterner Link
- 2016-2019: Advisory Board member of Virtual Multimodal Museum (ViMM) Externer LinkCoordination and Support Action (CSA), funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme (CULT-COOP-8-2016)
- Since 2014: Co-convener of the digital 3D reconstruction workgroupExterner Link of the Digital Humanities in the German-speaking area association (Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V.)
- Since 2013: Expert Member of ICOMOS International Committee of Architectural Photogrammetry (CIPA)Externer Link
- ICOMOS Germany
- German Usability Professionals Association (GUPA)
- Computer Applications in Archaeology and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), German Chapter
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geschichte und EDV e.V. (AGE)
- 2008 Workshop leader "3D animation", Saxonian Youth Media Days
- Since 2007 Volunteer work, Förderverein der evangelischen Jugend Pirna e.V.
- 2002 - 2006 Board Member, Jugendring Sächsische Schweiz e.V.
- 1994 - 2005 Volunteer work, Evangelische Jugend Pirna e.V.
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9344-912XExterner Link
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sander_MuensterExterner Link
Monographs and edited books
- Münster, S., Apollonio, F., Blümel, I., Fallavollita, F., Foschi, R., Grellert, M., Ioannides, M., Jahn, P. H., Kurdiovsky, R., Kuroczynski, P., Lutteroth, J.-E., Messemer, H., Schelbert, G., in press. Handbuch der digitalen 3D-Rekonstruktion von historischer Architektur. arthistoricum.de, Heidelberg.
- Münster, S., Apollonio, F., Blümel, I., Fallavollita, F., Foschi, R., Grellert, M., Ioannides, M., Jahn, P. H., Kurdiovsky, R., Kuroczynski, P., Lutteroth, J.-E., Messemer, H., Schelbert, G., 2024. Handbook of Digital 3D Reconstruction of Historical Architecture. Springer.Externer Link
- MÜNSTER S, PATTEE A, KRÖBER C, NIEBLING F. Research and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries. Third International Workshop, UHDL 2023, Munich, Germany, March 27-28, 2023, Revised Selected Papers. Cham: Springer CCIS; 2023.Externer Link
- Niebling, F., Münster, S., Messemer, H. (2021) Digital Research and Education in Architectural Heritage. Second Workshop, UHDL 2019, Dresden, Germany, October 10-11, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, Springer CCIS, Cham.Externer Link
- Kuroczyński, P., Münster, S., Pfarr-Harfst, M. (2019): Der Modelle Tugend 2.0 - Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zum wissenschaftlichen 3D-Informationsmodell, Heidelberg University Press, Heidelberg.Externer Link
- Fritsche, K., Hopf, S.-L., Ying, S., Münster, S., 2023. Feedbackprozesse in digitalen Lehr-Lern-Settings für Studierende und Lehrende gestalten: ein Leitfaden, Jena.Externer Link
- Fritsche, K., Hopf, S.-L., Sun, Y., Muenster, D., Münster, S., 2023. Fachkonzept Digital4Humanities: Fachkonzept für die Gestaltung, Implementierung und den Einsatz von digitalen Selbstlerneinheiten in audio-visueller Form zur Vermittlung digital-methodischer, geisteswissenschaftlicher Themen.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Friedrichs, K., Niebling, F., Seidel-Grzesinska, A. (2018) Digital Research and Education in Architectural Heritage, Springer CCIS, Cham.Externer Link
- Münster, S. (2016): Interdisziplinäre Kooperation bei der Erstellung virtueller geschichtswissenschaftlicher 3D-Rekonstruktionen, Springer VS, Wiesbaden.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Pfarr-Harfst, M., Kuroczyński, P., Ioannides, M. (2016): How to manage data and knowledge related to interpretative digital 3D reconstructions of Cultural Heritage? Springer LNCS, Cham.Externer Link
- Münster, S. (2014): Interdisziplinäre Kooperation bei der Erstellung virtueller geschichtswissenschaftlicher 3D-Rekonstruktionen (Dissertation), Dresden.Externer Link
- Münster, S. (2011): Kernforschung in der DDR als Großforschung?, Saarbrücken.Externer Link
Book chapters
- Isaac, A., K. Fernie, V. Bachi, E. Tsoupra, M. Medici, H. Alkemade, S. Münster, V. Charles and L. Heslinga (2025). Making the Europeana Data Model a Better Fit for Documentation of 3D Objects. 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage V: Paradata, Metadata and Data in Digitisation. M. Ioannides, D. Baker, A. Agapiou and P. Siegkas. Cham, Springer Nature Switzerland: 63-74.
- Münster, S., K. Fritsche, S.-L. Hopf, Y. Sun and D. L. Münster (2024). "Fachkonzept Digital4Humanities: Fachkonzept für die Gestaltung, Implementierung und den Einsatz von digitalen Selbstlerneinheiten in audio-visueller Form zur Vermittlung digital-methodischer, geisteswissenschaftlicher Themen." Handbuch E-Learning 106.
- Fritsche, K. and Sander Münster (2024). "Taking up Artificial Intelligence as Teaching and Learning Content in the Digital Humanities – Topics, Categorisations, and Examples." Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Research in Teaching and Education 1: 8-24.
- Münster, D.L., Münster, S., 2023. Designing Learning Tasks and Scenarios on Digital History for a Research Lab for Pupils. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, pp. 220-232.
- Maiwald, F., Komorowicz, D., Munir, I., Beck, C., Münster, S., 2023. Semi-automatic Generation of Historical Urban 3D Models at a Larger Scale Using Structure-from-Motion, Neural Rendering and Historical Maps. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, pp. 107-127.
- Smolarski, R., Messemer, H., Münster, S., 2023. 3D-Rekonstruktion von historischer Industriearchitektur in Jena um 1900 - Ergebnisse eines Studierendenwettbewerbs, in: Britsche, F., Greven, L. (Eds.), Visual History und Geschichtsdidaktik. (Interdisziplinäre) Impulse und Anregungen für Praxis und Wissenschaft.
- Fritsche, K., Hopf, S.-L., Münster, S., 2023. Perspectives of learners on videos as learning resources with a special focus on their format aspect and derivations for related feedback processes, 6th International Conference on Research in Education (ICRECONF), Vienna, Austria.
- Pattee, A., Kröber, C., Bruschke, J., Utescher, R., Maiwald, F., Zarriess, S., Hoppe, S., Niebling, F., Münster, S., 2022. A Machine Learning Approach to Assist Architectural Research by Matching Images Directly with Text, EUROMED 2022.
- Muenster, S., Bruschke, J., Maiwald, F., Kleiner, C., 2021. Software and Content Design of a Browser-based Mobile 4D VR Application to Explore Historical City Architecture, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritAge Contents. Association for Computing Machinery, Virtual Event, China, pp. 13-22.
- Münster, S. (2021). Researching scientific structures via joint authorships – The case of Virtual 3D Modelling in Humanities. In: Koschtial, C. et al. (Eds.) International Conference on Infrastructures and Cooperation in E-Science and E-Humanities, Springer LNCS, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-66262-2_10Externer Link
- Münster, S., Niebling, F., Bruschke, J., Barthel, K., Friedrichs, K., Kröber, C., & Maiwald, F. (2020). Urban History Research and Discovery in the Age of Digital Repositories. A Report About Users and Requirements. In H. Kremers (Ed.), Digital Cultural Heritage (pp. 63-84). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15200-0_5Externer Link
- Fritsche, K., S. Münster and M. A. Dänzer Barbosa (2020). Videotutorials – Selbstlernszenarien als Vermittlungsinstanz digitaler Kompetenzen für die Geisteswissenschaften. GeNeMe 2020. urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa2-741574Externer Link
- Münster, S. and M. Terras (2020). The visual digital humanities – topics, researchers and cultures. DH 2020. Ottawa.
- Münster, S., Maiwald, F., Lehmann, C., Lazariv, T., Hofmann, M., & Niebling, F. (2020). An Automated Pipeline for a Browser-based, City-scale Mobile 4D VR Application based on Historical Images. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritAge Contents, Seattle, WA, USA. https://doi.org/10.1145/3423323.3425748Externer Link
- Münster, S., F. Maiwald, M. Hofmann and W. Perera (2020). Introducing an Automated Pipeline for a browser-based, city-scale mobile 4D VR Application based on Historical Images. DH 2020. Ottawa.
- Münster, S., Bruschke, J., Maiwald, F., & Kleiner, C. (2021). Software and content design of a browser-based mobile 4D VR application to explore historical city architecture. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritage Contents, Beijing, China. https://doi.org/10.1145/3475720.3484442Externer Link
- Fritsche, K., Barbosa, M. A. D., & Münster, S. (2021). Digital4Humanities - Modulare Selbstlernangebote zur Vermittlung von digitalen Forschungsmethoden in existierenden Kursen. DELFI 2021.
- Münster, S., Bruschke, J., Hoppe, S., Maiwald, F., Niebling, F., Pattee, A. et al. (2022). Multimodale KI zur Unterstützung geschichtswissenschaftlicher Quellenkritik – ein Forschungsaufriss. DHd Jahrestagung 2022.
- Münster, S., Lehmann, C., Lazariv, T., Maiwald, F. & Karsten, S. (2021) Toward an Automated Pipeline for a Browser-Based, City-Scale Mobile 4D VR Application Based on Historical ImagesExterner Link. Cham. Springer International Publishing, 106-128.
- Ulutas Aydogan, S., Münster, S., Girardi, D., Palmirani, M. & Vitali, F. (2021) A Framework to Support Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage Studies ResearchExterner Link. Cham. Springer International Publishing, 237-267.
- MÜNSTER, S., PFARR-HARFST, M. (2019) Die Begrifflichkeiten der 3D-Rekonstruktion, In P. KUROCZYŃSKI, S. HOPPE, S. MÜNSTER & M. PFARR-HARFST (Hrsg.), Der Modelle Tugend 2.0, Heidelberg University Press, Heidelberg.
- MÜNSTER, S. (2019) Methodik der 3D-Rekonstruktion, In P. KUROCZYŃSKI, S. HOPPE, S. MÜNSTER & M. PFARR-HARFST (Hrsg.), Der Modelle Tugend 2.0, Heidelberg University Press, Heidelberg.
- Maiwald, F., K. Barthel, J. Bruschke, K. Friedrichs, C. Kröber, S. Münster and F. Niebling (2018). Research and Communication of Urban History in 4D Using Historical Photographs – A Status Report of the Research Group UrbanHistory4D, Cham, Springer International Publishing.
- Münster, S., M. Breitenstein, J. Bruschke, K. Friedrichs, C. Kröber, F. Maiwald and F. Niebling (2018). Novel Approaches to research and discover urban history. In: T. Köhler et al. Communities in New Media. Research on Knowledge Communities in Science, Business, Education & Public Administration. Proceedings of 21th Conference GeNeMe 2018.
- Münster, Sander, (2018) "Drawing the “big picture” concerning digital 3D technologies for humanities research and education", In G. Chowdhury, J. McLeod, V. Gillet & P. Willett (Eds.), Transforming Digital Worlds (pp. 671-676), Sheffield, Springer.Externer Link
- Friedrichs, K., Kröber, C., Bruschke, J., Münster, S. (2018) Creating suitable tools for art and architectural research with digital libraries, In Münster, S., Friedrichs, K., Niebling, F., Seidel-Grzesinska, A. (Hrsg.) Digital Research and Education in Architectural Heritage, Springer CCIS, Cham.Externer Link
- Friedrichs, K., Kröber, C., Bruschke, J., Münster, S. (2017) Forschung und Vermittlung anhand digitaler Bildrepositorien - ein Zwischenbericht, In: Bienert, A., Jazbec, R. (Hrsg.) EVA BERLIN 2017. Elektronische Medien & Kunst, Kultur und Historie.
- Herrmann, I., Münster, S., Tietz, V., Uhlemann, R. (2017) Teaching Media Design by using Scrum. A qualitative Study within a Media Informatics‘ Elective Course, In: Sampson, D. G., Spector, J. M., Ifenthaler , D., Isaías, P. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA 2017), IADIS Press.
- Münster, S., Kröber, C., Friedrichs, K. & Niebling, F. (2016) Neue Wege stadtgeschichtlicher Forschung und Vermittlung, In: Bienert, A. et al. (Hrsg.) EVA 2016, Berlin.
- Klamert, K., Münster, S. (2017) Childs play - A literature based survey on gamified tools and methods for fostering public participation in urban planning, In: Electronic Participation, Springer International Publishing, Heidelberg, S. 24-33.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Jahn, P.-H., Wacker, M. (2017) Von Plan- und Bildquellen zum virtuellen Gebäudemodell. Zur Bedeutung der Bildlichkeit für die digitale 3D-Rekonstruktion historischer Architektur, In: Ammon, S., Hinterwaldner, I. (Hrsg.) Bildlichkeit im Zeitalter der Modellierung. Operative Artefakte in Entwurfsprozessen der Architektur und des Ingenieurwesens, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Kröber, C., Weller, H., Prechtel, N. (2017) Virtual Reconstructions of Historical Architecture as Media for Visual Knowledge Representation, In: Ioannides, M., Magnenat-Thalmann, N., Papagiannakis, G. (Hrsg.) Mixed Reality and Gamification for Cultural Heritage, Springer LNCS, Cham, S. 313-330.Externer Link
- Fischer, H., Heinz, M., Schlenker, L., Münster, S., Follert, F., Köhler, T. (2017) Die Gamifizierung der Hochschullehre – Potenziale und Herausforderungen, In: Strahinger, S., Christian Leyh (Hrsg.) Gamification und Serious Games. Springer, S. 113-125.Externer Link
- Münster, S., C. Kröber, K. Friedrichs and F. Niebling (2016). Neue Wege stadtgeschichtlicher Forschung und Vermittlung. EVA 2016. Berlin.Externer Link
- Münster, S., C. Kröber, H. Weller and N. Prechtel (2017). Virtual Reconstructions of Historical Architecture as Media for Visual Knowledge Representation. Mixed Reality and Gamification for Cultural Heritage. M. Ioannides, N. Magnenat-Thalmann and G. Papagiannakis. Cham, Springer LNCS.Externer Link
- Münster, S., C. Kröber, W. Hegel, M. Pfarr-Harfst, N. Prechtel, R. Uhlemann and F. Henze (2016). First experiences from applying a Model Classification for Digital 3D Reconstruction in the Context of Humanities Research. Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. 6th International Conference, EuroMed 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus, October 31 – November 5, 2016, Proceedings, Part I. M. Ioannides, E. Fink, A. Moropoulou et al. Cham, Springer International Publishing. LNCS: 477-490.Externer Link
- Münster, S., C. Kröber, H. Weller and N. Prechtel (2016). Researching Knowledge Issues on Virtual Historical Architecture. Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. 6th International Conference, EuroMed 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus, October 31 – November 5, 2016, Proceedings, Part I. M. Ioannides, E. Fink, A. Moropoulou et al. Cham, Springer International Publishing. LNCS: 362-374.Externer Link
- Münster, S., W. Hegel and C. Kröber (2016). A classification model for digital reconstruction in context of humanities research. 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage II. S. Münster, M. Pfarr-Harfst, P. Kuroczyński and M. Ioannides. Cham, Springer LNCS: 3-31Externer Link.
- Prechtel, N. and S. Münster (2016). Cultural Heritage in a Spatial Context – Towards an Integrative, Interoperable, and Participatory Data and Information Management. 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage II. S. Münster, M. Pfarr-Harfst, P. Kuroczyński and M. Ioannides. Cham, Springer: 272-288.Externer Link
- Münster, S., (2016) "Research and education on digital 3D reconstruction and visualization in visual humanities", In J. Spender, G. Schiuma & J. R. Nönnig (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD 2016) Dresden, Germany. June 15-17th 2016 (pp. 95-123), Dresden.
- Münster, S., & Niebling, F., (2016) "Building a wiki resource on visual knowledge related knowledge assets", In J. Spender, G. Schiuma & J. R. Nönnig (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD 2016) Dresden, Germany. June 15-17th 2016 (pp. 1606-1618), Dresden.
- Maurer, P., Raida, A., Münster, S., & Lücker, E., (2016) "Visual media as tool to acquire soft skills – interdisciplinary teaching-learning project SUFUvet", In J. Spender, G. Schiuma & J. R. Nönnig (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD 2016) Dresden, Germany. June 15-17th 2016 (pp. 605-618), Dresden.
- Münster, S., Ioannides, M. (2015): The scientific community of digital heritage in time and space. In: Guidi, G., Scopigno, R., Torres, J.C., Graf, H. (eds.) 2nd International Congress on Digital Heritage 2015, Granada.Externer Link
- Jannack, A., Münster, S., Nönnig, J.R. (2015): Enabling Massive Participation: Blueprint for a Collaborative Urban Design Environment. In: Schiuma, G. (ed.) Proceedings of IFKAD 2015, pp. 2363-2380. International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, Bari.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Kröber, C., Schlenker, L., Bergert, A. (2015): Employing SCRUM methods for a cooperative virtual reconstruction of architectural heritage. In: Schiuma, G. (ed.) Proceedings of IFKAD 2015, pp. 2330-2337. International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, Bari.Externer Link
- Kröber, C., Münster, S., (2016). An App for the Cathedral in Freiberg - An Interdisciplinary Project Seminar, in: Spector, J.M., Ifenthaler, D., Sampson, D.G., Isaias, P. (Eds.), Competencies, Challenges, and Changes in Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership in the Digital Age, Springer, Berlin.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Jahn, P.-H., Wacker, M. (in print): Von Plan- und Bildquellen zum virtuellen Gebäudemodell. Zur Bedeutung der Bildlichkeit für die digitale 3D-Rekonstruktion historischer Architektur. In: Ammon, S., Hinterwaldner, I. (eds.) Bildlichkeit im Zeitalter der Modellierung. Operative Artefakte in Entwurfsprozessen der Architektur und des Ingenieurwesens. Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Köhler, T., Hoppe, S. (2015): 3D modeling technologies as tools for the reconstruction and visualization of historic items in humanities. A literature-based survey. In: Traviglia, A. (ed.) Across Space and Time. Papers from the 41st Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Perth, 25-28 March 2013. Amsterdam: 430-441.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Köhler, T., (2016) "3D reconstruction of cultural heritage artifacts. A literature based survey of recent projects and workflows", München, pp. 89-104.Externer Link
- Kröber, C., Münster, S. (2014): An App for the Cathedral in Freiberg - An Interdisciplinary Project Seminar, In: Sampson, D.G., Spector, J.M., Ifenthaler, D., Isaias, P. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on cognition and exploratory learning in digital age (CELDA 2014) Porto, Portugal. Oct. 25-27th 2014, pp. 270-274.Externer Link
- Münster, S., N. Prechtel (2014): Beyond Software. Design Implications for Virtual Libraries and Platforms for Cultural Heritage from Practical Findings. In: Ioannides, M., Magnenat-Thalmann, N., Fink, E., Žarnić, R., Yen, A.-Y., Quak, E. (Eds.), Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Cham, pp. 131-145.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Schlenker, L., Köhler, T. (2014): Common grounds and representations in cross-disciplinary processes. In: Carlucci, D., Schiuma, G., Spender, J. (eds.) Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth. Institute of Knowledge Asset Management, Basilicata: 579-589.Externer Link
- Münster, S. (2014): Interdisziplinäre Kooperation bei der Erstellung virtueller geschichtswissenschaftlicher 3D-Rekonstruktionen. In: Stelzer, R. (ed.) ENTWERFEN ENTWICKELN ERLEBEN 2014. Beiträge zur virtuellen Produktentwicklung und Konstruktionstechnik, TUD Press, Dresden: 299-312.Externer Link
- Köhler, T., Münster, S., Schlenker, L. (2013). Didaktik virtueller Realität: Merkmale einer zielgruppengerechten Gestaltung im Kontext akademischer Bildung, in G. Reinmann, M. Ebner and S. Schön: Hochschuldidaktik im Zeichen von Heterogenität und Vielfalt. Doppelfestschrift für Peter Baumgartner und Rolf Schulmeister, Norderstedt: 97-110.Externer Link
- Münster, S.: Entstehungs- und Verwendungskontexte von 3D-CAD-Modellen in den Geschichtswissenschaften (2011), In: K. Meissner und M. Engelien: Virtual Enterprises, Communities & Social Networks, Dresden: 99-108.Externer Link
Encyclopedia Articles
Journal Articles
- Münster, S., F. Maiwald, I. d. Lenardo, J. Henriksson, A. Isaac, M. Graf, C. Beck and J. Oomen (2024). "Artificial Intelligence for Digital Heritage Innovation. Setting up a R&D roadmap for Europe." MDPI Heritage 7: 794–816.Externer Link
- Münster, S., F. Maiwald, J. Bruschke, C. Kröber, Y. Sun, D. Dworak, D. Komorowicz, I. Munir, C. Beck and D. L. Münster (2024). "A Digital 4D Information System on the World Scale: Research Challenges, Approaches, and Preliminary Results." Applied Sciences 14(5): 1992.
- Münster, S., J. Bruschke, D. Dworak, D. Komorowicz, V. Rajan and D. Ukolov (2024). "4D geo modelling from different sources at large scale." ACM Multimedia Melbourne.
- Farella, E. M., S. Rigon, F. Remondino, A. Stan, G. Ioannidis, S. Münster, M. Medici, F. Maietti and A. Sánchez (2024). "Methods, Data and Tools for facilitating a 3D Cultural Heritage Space." Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. XLVIII-2/W4-2024: 197-204.
- Münster, S., 2023. Advancements in 3D Heritage Data Aggregation and Enrichment in Europe: Implications for Designing the Jena Experimental Repository for the DFG 3D Viewer. Applied Sciences 13, 9781.
- Münster, D.L., Münster, S., Dietz, R., 2023. Digital History Education for Pupils. First Steps towards a Teaching Learning Lab. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. XLVIII-M-2-2023, 1105-1111.
- Fritsche, K., Münster, S., 2022. Digital4Humanities: Videotutorials für die geisteswissenschaftliche Lehre. Konzeptionsschritte zur Erstellung und zum Einsatz von Screen- und Slidecasts. Die Hochschule, 52-67.
- Muenster, S. Digital 3D Technologies for Humanities Research and Education: An Overview. Applied Sciences 2022, 12, 2426. https://doi:10.3390/app12052426 Externer Link
- Muenster, S., Fritsche, K., Richards-Risetto, H., Apollonio, F., Schwartze, V., Aehnlich, B., & Smolarski, R. (2021). Teaching Digital Heritage and Digital Humanities – a current state and prospects. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLVI-M-1-2021, 471–478, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVI-M-1-2021-471-2021Externer Link
- Muenster, S., Bruschke, J., Maiwald, F., Kröber, C., Dietz, R., Messemer, H., & Niebling, F. (2021). Where are we now on the way to 4D Urban History Research and Discovery? ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., VIII-M-1-2021, 109–116, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-annals-VIII-M-1-2021-109-2021Externer Link
- Münster, S., Utescher, R., & Ulutas-Aydogan, S. (2021). Digital Topics on Cultural Heritage quantified. Built Heritage (2021) 5:25 https://doi.org/10.1186/s43238-021-00045-7Externer Link
- Münster, S., & Terras, M. (2020). The visual side of digital humanities. A survey on topics, researchers and epistemic cultures in visual digital humanities. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 35(2), 366-389. https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqz022Externer Link
- Dewitz, L., Kröber, C., Messemer, H., Maiwald, F., Münster, S., Bruschke, J., & Niebling, F. (2019). HISTORICAL PHOTOS AND VISUALIZATIONS: POTENTIAL FOR RESEARCH. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-2/W15, 405-412. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W15-405-2019Externer Link
- Sun, Y., Münster, S., Köhler, T., & Sommer, C. M. (2020). Understanding the industrial designer’s self-perception of ideation. International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 1-32. https://doi.org/10.1080/21650349.2020.1813632Externer Link
- Hofmann, M., Münster, S. & Noennig, J.R. A Theoretical Framework for the Evaluation of Massive Digital Participation Systems in Urban Planning. J Geovis. Spat. Anal. 4, 3 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41651-019-0040-3Externer Link
- Münster, S. (2019). "Digital Cultural Heritage as Scholarly Field – Topics, Researchers and Perspectives from a bibliometric point of view." Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage 12(3): 22-49. https://doi.org/10.1145/3310012Externer Link
- Münster, S., Apollonio, F., Bell, P., Lenardo, I. D., Rinaudo, F., & Tamburello, R. (2019). Digital Heritage meets Digital Humanities. ISPRS Archives, XLII-2/W15, 813-820. https://doi.org/10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W15-813-2019Externer Link
- YING, S., MÜNSTER, S. (2019) A look at the research on design ideas generation in industrial design: Review of literature from 2007 to 2016, Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation.
- Chojna, Julia, Woltmann, Natalie, Münster, Sander, Wacker, Markus, Friedrichs, Kristina, & Schneider, Danilo, (in print) "“Dresdner Stadtgeschichte 3D” – Challenges and chances of cross-disciplinary problem-based learning". HDS Journal.
- Münster, Sander, Kamposiori, Christina, Friedrichs, Kristina, & Kröber, Cindy, (2018) "Image Libraries and their Scholarly Use in the Field of Art and Architectural History". International Journal on Digital Libraries, S. 1-17.
- Münster, Sander, (2018) "Rezension zu „Lukas aus der Asche – Auferstandenes Kulturerbe aus dem 3D-Labor“". Sehepunkte, Vol. 18, No. 5.
- Münster, Sander, Friedrichs, Kristina, & Hegel, Wolfgang, (2018) 3D Reconstruction techniques as a Cultural Shift in Art History?. International Journal of Digital Art History, Vol 3.
- Maiwald, Ferdinand, Schneider, Danilo, Henze, Frank, Niebling, Florian, & Münster, Sander, (in print) "Feature matching of historical images based on geometry of quadrilaterals". ISPRS - International Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences
- Maiwald, F., Vietze, T., Schneider, D., Henze, F., Münster, S., Niebling, F. (2017): Photogrammetric analysis of historical image repositories for virtual reconstruction in the field of digital humanities, In: Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-2/W3, 447-452.Externer Link
- Münster, S. (2017). A Survey on Topics, Researchers and Cultures in the Field of Digital Heritage, In: ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. IV-2/W2, S. 157-162.
- Münster, S., Kröber, C., Friedrichs, K., Bruschke, J., Maiwald, F., Niebling, F. (2017) Digital Approaches to researching and discovering urban history, In: ISPRS Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (XXVI International CIPA Symposium 2017, Ottawa).
- Münster, S., et al. (2017). How to involve inhabitants in urban design planning by using digital tools? An overview on a state of the art, key challenges and promising approaches. In: Procedia Computer Science 112, S. 2391–2405.Externer Link
- Raida, A. C., Herrmann, I., Münster, S., Lücker, E., Maurer, P. (2017) SUFUvet - Förderung von Soft Skills durch problembasiertes Lernen, In: HDS-Journal, S. 30-36.
- Köhler, T., Münster, S., Schlenker, L. (2014): Smart communities in virtual reality. A comparison of design approaches for academic education, In: Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A) 22 (Special issue on "Social Behaviors and Learning in Smart Communities): 48-59.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Kuroczyński, P., Pfarr-Harfst, M., Grellert, M., Lengyel, D. (2015): Future research challenges for a computer-based interpretative 3D reconstruction of cultural heritage – A German community’s view. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (XXV International CIPA Symposium) II-5-W3, 207-213.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Kröber, C. (2015): Bericht zum interdisziplinären Lehr-Lern Projekt ‚Der Freiberger Dom – Architektur als Sprache‘. HDS-Journal 2, 22-26.Externer Link
- Münster, S., Brödner, J., Kallmeier, C. (2015): Der World Usability Day als Aktionstag zu Themen benutzergerechter Produktgestaltung. Dresdner Transferbrief 22, 4.Externer Link
- Münster, S. (2013): Workflows and the role of images for a virtual 3D reconstruction of no longer extant historic objects (2013), In: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XL-5/W2 (XXIV International CIPA Symposium): 197-202.Externer Link
- Prechtel, N., Münster, S., Kröber, C., Schubert, C., Schietzold S. (2013): Presenting Cultural heritage Landscapes - From GIS via 3D Models to Interactive Presentation Frameworks (2013), In: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XL-5/W2 (XXIV International CIPA Symposium): 253-258.Externer Link
- Münster, S. (2011): Militärgeschichte aus der digitalen Retorte – Computergenerierte 3D-Visualisierung als Filmtechnik. In: A. Kästner und J. Mazerath: Z. Militärgeschichte der frühen Neuzeit, Potsdam: 457-486.Externer Link
- Bohnet, C. (2006): FZD-Journal: 50 Jahre Kernforschung in Rossendorf, Special Issue, Dresden.Externer Link
Conference Presentations (Selection)
- Münster, S., F. Maiwald, J. Bruschke, C. Kröber, Y. Sun, D. Dworak, D. Komorowicz, I. Munir, C. Beck and D. L. Münster (2024). "A digital 4D information system at world scale: Research challenges, approaches and preliminary results." ADHO DH 2024, Washington DC.
- Stan, A., S. Münster, M. Straus, A. Corns, A. Sánchez, S. v. Keulen, S. Mulder, F. Remondino and M. Medici (2024). Heritage Reloaded: Innovative Reuse of 3D Cultural Content. CHNT, Vienna.
- Münster, S. (2024). Virtual reconstructions in the age of generative AI. Euromed 2024.
- Münster, D. and S. Münster (2024). "Digital Humanities for pupils. First results of creating a learning lab." ADHO DH 2024, Washington DC.
- Münster, S., 2023. A current state of 3D Modelling for Humanities Research and Education (invited lecture), ISDH 2023, Daejeon, Korea.
- Münster, S., Bruschke, J., Hoppe, S., Maiwald, F., Niebling, F., Pattee, A., Utescher, R., Zarriess, S., 2022. Multimodale KI zur Unterstützung geschichtswissenschaftlicher Quellenkritik – ein Forschungsaufriss, in: Geierhos, M., Trilcke, P., Börner, I., Seifert, S., Busch, A., Wuttke, U., Seltmann, M., Genzel, K. (Eds.), Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses. Konferenzabstracts (First Edition) [Computer software]. Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses (DHd2022). Zenodo, Potsdam, Germany.
- Bajena, I., Dworak, D., Kuroczyński, P., Smolarski, R., Münster, S., 2022. DFG-3D-Viewer – Development of an infrastructure for digital 3D reconstructions, Canterbury 2022 (IN)TANGIBLE HERITAGE(S): A conference on design, culture and technology – past, present, and future, Canterbury, UK, 15-17 June 2022.
- Messemer, H., Bruschke, J., Münster, S., 2022. Exploring Historical Cities with the 4D Community Browser – Requirements of a Spatio-Temporal Research Tool, Conference: 26th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT26), Vienna.
- Münster, S., Bruschke, J., Hoppe, S., Maiwald, F., Niebling, F., Pattee, A., Utescher, R., Zarriess, S., 2022. Multimodal AI Support of Source Criticism in the Humanities. ADHO DH 2022.
- Utescher, R., Patee, A., Maiwald, F., Bruschke, J., Hoppe, S., Münster, S., Niebling, F., Zarrieß, S., 2022. Exploring Naming Inventories for Architectural Elements for Use in Multimodal Machine Learning Applications. Workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities 2022.
- KRÖBER, C., MÜNSTER, S. & MESSEMER, H. 2020. Bildrepositorien und Forschung mit digitalen Bildern im Bereich der Kunstgeschichte. DHd Jahrestagung 2020. Paderborn.
- MÜNSTER, S., MAIWALD, F., HOFMANN, M. & PERERA, W. 2020. Introducing an Automated Pipeline for a browser-based, city-scale mobile 4D VR Application based on Historical Images. ADHO DH 2020. Ottawa.
- MÜNSTER, S., MAIWALD, F., HOFMANN, M. & PERERA, W. 2020. Introducing an Automated Pipeline for a browser-based, city-scale mobile 4D VR Application based on Historical Images. CHNT 2020. Vienna.
- AIGNER, T., KAPLAN, F., REYNES, D., MÜNSTER, S. The power of big data of the past - let´s build a Time Machine!, London, 2019.
- Maiwald, Ferdinand, Barthel, Kristina, Bruschke, Jonas, Friedrichs, Kristina, Kröber, Cindy, Münster, Sander, et al., (2018) "Research and communication of urban history in 4D using historical photographs – a status report of the research group UrbanHistory4D", EUROMED 2018.
- Münster, S., P. Kuroczyński and H. Messemer (2018). Digital 3D reconstruction projects and activities in the German-speaking countries. EUROMED 2018.
- Münster, S. (2018). Beyond numbers or words – How do researchers in digital cultural heritage perform research? EAA 2018, Barcelona.
- Münster, S. (2018). Cultural Heritage at a Glance. Four case studies about the perception of digital architectural 3D models. Digital Heritage. San Francisco.
- Niebling, Florian, Münster, Sander, Bruschke, Jonas, Henze, Frank, & Maiwald, Ferdinand, (2018) "Accessing Urban History by Historical Photographs", Digital Heritage 2018.
- Münster, S., F. Niebling, M. Breitenstein, J. Bruschke, K. Friedrichs, F. Henze, C. Kröber and F. Maiwald (2018). Urban History in 4 Dimensions – Supporting Research and Education. CREATE Salon. Amsterdam.
- Münster, Sander, (2018) "The Big Data Time Machine", CEBIT, Hannover.
- Münster, Sander, (2018) "Discovering the city. How to motivate visitors to learn about urban history and future by using mobile devices", Game Based Learning 2018, Dresden.
- Münster, S., Rinaudo, F., Tamborrino, R., Apollonio, F., Ioannides, M. (2018) Digital Humanities meets Digital Cultural Heritage (Panel). DH 2018, Mexico City.
- Münster, Sander, (2018) Digital 3D modelling in the humanities. DH 2018, Mexico City.
- Münster, Sander, (2018) "Beyond numbers or words – How do researchers in digital cultural heritage perform research?", EAA 2018, Barcelona.
- Hofmann, Mathias, Münster, Sander, & Noennig, Jörg Rainer, (2018) "Building blocks for a massive digital participation system in urban planning", Paper presented at the IAPS 2018, Rome.
- Hofmann, Mathias, & Münster, Sander, (2018) "Evaluation of digital media tools for a mass-scale digital participation system in urban planning", Paper presented at the IFKAD 2018, Delft.
- Ying, S., & Münster, S., Sommer, C. M. (2018) Changes in design research: sources and methods of ideas generation in industrial design. DRS Conf.
- Münster, S. (2018) Discovering the city. How to motivate visitors to learn about urban history and future by using mobile devices. GBL 2018, Dresden,
- Münster, S., Barthel, K., Bruschke, J., Friedrichs, K., Kröber, C., Maiwald, F., Niebling, F., (2018) Stadtgeschichtliche Forschung und Vermittlung anhand historischer Fotos als Forschungsgegenstand – Ein Zwischenbericht der Nachwuchsgruppe HistStadt4D (Poster), 5. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2018), Köln.
- Ying, S., Münster, S. (2018) A look at the research on design ideas generation in industrial design: Review of literature from 2007 to 2016, The Fifth International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC2018), Bath.
- Münster, S. (2017) A community on digital heritage, CHNT 2017, Wien.
- Bruschke, J., Maiwald, F., Niebling, F., Münster, S. (2017) Browsing and Experiencing Repositories of Spatially Oriented Historic Photographic Images, CHNT 2017, Wien.
- Münster, Sander, Faliou, Barnabe, Georgi, Christopher, Heijne, Katrina, Klamert, Kevin, Nönnig, Jörg Rainer, et al., (2017) Implications and concepts for a massive digital participation system in urban planning, International Land Use Symposium 2017, Dresden.
- Münster, S., Niebling, F., Bruschke, J., Barthel, K., Friedrichs, K., Henze, F., Maiwald, F. (2017) Urban History Research and Discovery in the Age of Digital Repositories. A Report on the Current State of Research and Novel Approaches, International Land Use Symposium 2017, Dresden.
- Münster, S. (2017) Digital 3D Reconstruction as a Scholarly Area of Digital Humanities – Scholars, Projects, Implications and Perspectives. DH 2017, Montreal.
- Münster, S., Kröber, C., Friedrichs, K., Niebling, F. (2017) Novel Approaches to research and discover urban history. DH 2017, Montreal.
- Münster, S., Niebling, F., Kröber, C., Barthel, K., Friedrichs, K., Bruschke, J., Maiwald, F. (2017) Urban History Research and Discovery in the Age of Digital Repositories. A Report on the Current State of Research and Novel Approaches. Int. Conference on Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH2017) Berlin.
- Münster, S. (2017) The many faces of digital heritage research… A survey on topics, researchers and research cultures in digital heritage. UHDL 2017 Dresden.
- Kröber, C., Münster, S. (2017) HistStadt4D –Arbeiten und Vermitteln mit historischen Bildrepositorien. Digitale Bibliothek - Zukunft des digitalen Erbes? Graz.
- Kröber, C., Münster, S. (2017) UrbanHistory4D - Forschung und Vermittlung mit historischen Bildrepositorien. Deutscher Bibliothekartag, Frankfurt.
- Münster, S. (2017) Employing bibliometric methods to identify a community, topics and protagonists of digital 3D reconstruction in the humanities. iConference 2017, Wuhan.
- Barthel, K., Kröber, C., Friedrichs, K., Bruschke, J., Maiwald, F., Niebling, F., Münster, S. (2017): Enhancing Research And Education On Urban History By Using Mobile Technology. INTED 2017, Valencia.
- Münster, S., P. Kuroczyński and M. Pfarr-Harfst (2017). Projekte und Aktivitäten im Kontext digitaler 3D-Rekonstruktion im deutschsprachigen Raum. 4. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2017). Bern.
- Niebling, F., S. Münster, K. Friedrichs, F. Henze, C. Kröber and J. Bruschke (2017). Zugänglichkeit und dauerhafte Nutzbarkeit historischer Bildrepositorien für Forschung und Vermittlung. 4. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2017). Bern.Externer Link
- Raida, A. C., Lücker, E., Münster, S., & Maurer, P., (2016) "Creation of an e-learning class as tool to acquire soft skills – cross-disciplinary teaching-learning project SUFUvet", Poster presented at the Veterinery Education Symposiums, Glasgow.
- Raida, A. C., Lücker, E., Münster, S., & Maurer, P., (2016) "SUFUvet – Die Erstellung eines E-Learning-Kurses für das Prüfungsfach Fleischhygiene", Poster presented at the 57. Jahrestagung des Arbeitsgebietes Lebensmittelhygiene der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft, Garmisch-Partenkirchen.
- Münster, S., (2016) "Building a wiki resource on visual research methodologies in visual humanities", Paper presented at the ArkDIS 2016, Uppsala.
- Münster, S. (2016). Research and education in visual humanities employing digital 3D reconstruction and visualization. IFKAD 2016, Dresden.
- Maurer, P., E. Lücker and S. Münster (2016). Visual media as tool to acquire soft skills – interdisciplinary teaching-learning project SUFUvet. IFKAD 2016, Dresden.
- Münster, S., Niebling F. (2016). Building a Wiki resource on visual knowledge related knowledge assets. IFKAD 2016, Dresden.
- Hoppe, S., Münster, S., (2016) "Digitale Rekonstruktionen als wissenschaftliches Werkzeug in der Architekturgeschichte. Aktuelle methodologische Zugriffe und Herausforderungen", Paper presented at the Symposium Digital Art History (7.-9.4.2016), Regensburg.
- Pfarr-Harfst, M., Münster, S. (2016): Welche Methoden wendet digitale 3D-Rekonstruktion an? In: 3. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2016).
- Münster, S., Niebling, F. (2016): HistStadt4D - Multimodale Zugänge zu historischen Bildrepositorien zur Unterstützung stadt- und baugeschichtlicher Forschung und Vermittlung In: 3. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2016).
- Grellert, M., Pfarr-Harfst, M., Kuroczynski, P., Münster, S. (2015): Virtual Reconstruction and Scientific/Academic 3D Models – Fundamental Considerations. 43rd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference 2015 Sienna.
- Kuroczyński, P., Grellert, M., Hauck, O., Münster, S., Pfarr-Harfst, M., Scholz, M. (2015): Digitale Rekonstruktion und aktuelle Herausforderungen (Panel), 2. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2015), Graz.
- Prechtel, N., Münster, S. (2014): Cultural Heritage in a Spatial Context – Towards an Integrative, Interoperable, and Participatory Data and Information Management. The 2nd International Workshop on ICT for the Preservation and Transmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage "How to exchange Cultural Heritage 3D objects and knowledge in Digital Libraries?", Lemessos.
- Kuroczyński, P., Pfarr-Harfst, M., Wacker, M., Münster, S., Henze, F. (2014): Pecha Kucha "Virtuelle Rekonstruktion – Allgemeine Standards, Methodik und Dokumentation" (Panel). 1. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2014), Passau.
- Kröber, C., Münster, S., Prechtel, N., Schietzold, S., Schubert, C. (2014): GEPAM – Eine interaktive Informationsplattform zur "Landschaft des Gedenkens" (Poster). 1. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2014), Passau.
- Münster, S., T. Köhler, S. Hoppe (2013): 3D modeling technologies as tools for the reconstruction and visualization of historic items in humanities. A literature-based survey, CAA 2013, Perth.
- Münster, S. (2013), The role of images for a virtual 3D reconstruction of historic artifacts, International Communication Association (ICA) 2013 Conference, London.
- Prechtel, N., Münster, S., Kröber, C. (2013): From GIS to a Visualization of Cultural Heritage Landscapes -Two Case Studies Using GIS and Interactive Web-based Presentation Frameworks, Workshop on Integrating 4D, GIS and Cultural Heritage, Leuven.
- Münster, S., T. Köhler (2013): 3D reconstruction of Cultural Heritage artifacts – A literature based survey, CHCD, Beijing.
- Münster, S., T. Köhler (2012): 3D modeling as tool for the reconstruction and visualization of “lost” buildings in humanities. A literature-based survey of recent projects, Palatium II, München.
- Münster, S., T. Köhler (2011):, 3D modeling as tool to reconstruct historic items, Visual Learning Conference, Budapest.
- Münster, S. (2011): Wissenskooperation bei der 3D-Visualisierung geschichtswissenschaftlicher Sachverhalte, GMW-Forum, Dresden.
- Münster, S. (2010): Wissenskooperation bei der 3D-Visualisierung geschichtswissenschaftlicher Sachverhalte, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Designtheorie und -forschung, Braunschweig.
- Münster, S. (2010): 3D-Visualisierung in den Geschichtswissenschaften, World-Usability Day, Dresden.
- Münster, S. (2009): 3D-Visualisation as tool for illustrating history studies, International Summerschool for Education & Technology, Strasbourg.
Organized Sessions and Workshops
- Marinos Ioannides, Eleanor Fink, Antonella Fresa, Janet Anderson, Anthony Cassar, Sander Münster (2024) 10th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed 2024), Limassol, Cyprus.
- Muenster, S., Fernie, K., Alkemade, H., Medici, M., 2023. Creating and Sharing 3D in Europeana Dataspace, Europeana Tech.
- Time Machine 2019 Konferenz in Dresden.Externer Link
- Zapfe, A. und Münster, S. (2020) Web-Konferenz "Kulturerbe in Thüringen und Europa"
- DRESSEN, A., ROSE, C., HUFFMAN, K., FAVINO, F., MUENSTER, S., BOSSE, A., HÄNSLI, T. & SPRATT, E. 2021. Roundtable: Linking projects: Beyond LOD – Interconnections of Digital Projects with Digital Infrastructure. RSA 2021. Dublin.
- MAIER, A., MÜNSTER, S. & AIGNER, T. Roundtable: The Power of Big Data of the Past. CHNT 2020, 2020 Vienna.
- GOUET-BRUNET, V., MUENSTER, S., ORDELMAN, R., CHEN, L. SUMAC 2019. The 1st workshop on Structuring and Understanding of Multimedia heritAge Contents. In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia 2019 (Nice, 2019).
- MÜNSTER, S., PIETERS, A., MAGER, T., GARCES-SANCHEZ, J., KHADEMI, S., KRÖBER, C., BRUSCHKE, J., PERERA, W. Time Machine for Digital Humanities Research. Multi-modal explorations of big data from the past (Workshop). CIPA Symposium, Avila, 2019.
- Lee, Edmund, & Münster, Sander, (2018) "Fishing for Knowledge in a Sea of Data", Paper presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Barcelona.
- Münster, Sander, Christen, Jonas, & Pfarr-Harfst, Mieke, (2018) "Modellathon „Digitale 3D-Rekonstruktion“ (Workshop)", Proceedings of the 5. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2018).
- Friedrichs, Kristina, Münster, Sander, Niebling, Florian, Maiwald, Ferdinand, Bruschke, Jonas, & Barthel, Kristina, (2018) "Digitale Bildrepositorien – wirkliche Arbeitserleichterung oder zeitraubend? (Workshop)", Proceedings of the 5. Jahrestagung der Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum (DHd 2018).
- Münster, S., Jannack, A., Nönnig, J.R., Wodjziak, J.: Visual Knowledge (Session held at IFKAD 2016), Dresden.
- Schoop, E., Köhler, T., Kahnwald, N., Münster, S., Ehrlich, S.: Knowledge Communities I: Knowledge Management (Session held at IFKAD 2016), Dresden.
- Ioannides, M., Münster, S., Pfarr-Harfst, M., Quack, E. (2014): The 2nd International Workshop on ICT for the Preservation and Transmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage "How to exchange Cultural Heritage 3D objects and knowledge in Digital Libraries?" (Workshop held at EUROMED 2014), Lemessos.
Press and TV
- Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk. Der Jentower - Turm der Visionäre. MDR Sendereihe Der Osten 2021, 12.10.2021.
- MITTELDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK 2020. Forschung am Projekt "Europäische Zeitmaschine" in Jena. MDR Thüringen Journal, 25.02.2020.
- SPANG, S. 2020. Time Machine (Radiointerview), MDR Sachsen, 20.08.2020.
- KÄSTNER, K. 2019. »Time Machine« läutet neues Zeitalter ein. (Zeit-)Reisen bildet: Derzeit entsteht eines der fortschrittlichsten KI-Systeme. Dresdner Universitätsjournal, 1-2.
- GRÄVEMEYER, A. 2019. Mit der Zeitmaschine in die Altstadt. c't, 15, 18-131.
- LINK, C. 2019. Konferenzen. Radio 100komma7, 15.05.2019.
- MUNDUS, J. 2019. Forscher wollen eine Zeitmaschine bauen. Sächsische Zeitung, 11.10.2019.
- ZINNER, F. 2019. Europa baut sich eine Zeitmaschine. MDR Wissen, 30.3.2019.
- GLEIßNER, F. 2018. Touristen sollen bald mit der App auf Zeitreise durch Dresden gehen können. Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, 26.10.2018.
- MUNDUS, J. 2018. Altes Dresden wird lebendig. Sächsische Zeitung, 11.05.2018.
- N.B. 2018. Reise in die Mäuseleber. Sächsische Zeitung, 27.08.2018.
- THORMEYER, P. 2018. Das alte Dresden durch die Handykamera. Bild Dresden, 23.10.2018.
- MITTELDEUTSCHER RUNDFUNK 2018. Die Nachwuchsgruppe HistStadt4D. MDR Sachsenspiegel, 11.05.2018.
- Unterweger, T.: Big Data in Venedig : Mit der Zeitmaschine zurück ins Mittelalter (Interview mit Sander Münster). In: FAZ-online, 12.03.2018.Externer Link
- Mundus, J. (2018) Dresden baut mit an der Zeitmaschine (Interview mit Sander Münster). In: Sächsische Zeitung, 19.02.2018.Externer Link
- Gupta, P. L. (2012): Das Nicht-Fassbare erfahrbar machen (Interview mit Sander Münster). In: Checkpoint eLearning, 20/2012.Externer Link
- NOGUEIRA, G. 2019. Time Machine Conference 2019: Knowledge Time Capsule.Externer Link
- Münster, Sander, (2017) Zugabe: Stadtbild als Baustelle, In S. Bürger & L. Kallweit (Eds.), Capriccio & Architektur ; das Spiel mit der Baukunst : Festschrift für Bruno Klein ; Capriccio & Architektur - das Spiel mit der Baukunst (pp. LI), Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag.
- Arbeitsgruppe Digitale Rekonstruktion des Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V. (2014): Aktuelle Herausforderungen im Kontext digitaler Rekonstruktion (Contribution to BMBF Agenda development Process, Editor: Sander Münster).
- Grounded Theory in practice. Course held at E&T summer school 2013, Dresden.Externer Link
Exhibitions (Selections)
- The European Time Machine. EU Digital Assembly, Bucarest 2019.
- Time Machine. CHNT 2018 Expo, Vienna.
- The European Time Machine. Forum Digital der Sächs. Landesregierung, Chemnitz 2018.
- Weisheit der Vielen. Welten der Wissenschaft (2013) – Leibniz-Gemeinschaft [Ausstellungsbeitrag].
- Ideen 2020 - Ein Rundgang durch die Welt von morgen (2013) – Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft [Ausstellungsbeitrag].
- Historiographie der Technikgeschichte (2007–2009), TU Dresden [Wissenschaftliche Ko-Konzeption der Ausstellung].
- Expedition Zukunft-Science Express (2009) – Max-Planck-Gesellschaft [Ausstellungsbeitrag].
- 2013 - 2014 : eScience–Forschungsnetzwerk Sachsen - Teilprojekt "Kooperations- und Kommunikationstechnologien zur Bearbeitung interdisziplinärer 3D-Rekonstruktionsprojekte zu geschichtswissenschaftlichen Sachverhalten" ( European Commission , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 2.500.000 € , Managed share: 70.000 € )
- 2014 - 2016 : Aufbau eines Forschungsschwerpunkts zu „Strukturen und Forschungsorganisation von eScience“ (SuFeS) ( TUD , 03-10 , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 120.000 € , Managed share: 60.000 € )
- 2012 - 2018 : SCADS ( BMBF , 01IS14014A-D , Role: PI (via TUD Media Centre) , Total Budget: 3.500.000 € , Managed share: 0 € )
- 2016 - 2019 : U_CODE ( European Commission , 688873 , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 3.700.000 € , Managed share: 350.000 € )
- 2015 - 2020 : HistStadt4D ( BMBF , 01UG1820-A , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 2.100.000 € , Managed share: 1.050.000 € )
- 2012 - 2014 : GEPAM ( European Commission , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 400.000 € , Managed share: 150.000 € )
- 2011 - 2011 : ViaBohemica ( SMWK , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 10.000 € , Managed share: 10.000 € )
- 2014 - 2014 : Freiberger Dom ( HDS , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 25.000 € , Managed share: 11.000 € )
- 2014 - 2014 : Biometric Video ( TUD , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 12.000 € , Managed share: 16.000 € )
- 2016 - 2018 : Weiterentwicklung und Modernisierung des Lehrkonzeptes zur Produktsicherheit für die universitäre Ausbildung (PROSUmEr) ( BAM , F 2395 , Role: WP lead , Total Budget: 322.000 € , Managed share: 100.396 € )
- 2015 - 2015 : SUFUVet ( HDS , , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 20.000 € , Managed share: 10.000 € )
- 2015 - 2016 : 3DStadtgeschichte ( HDS , , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 35.000 € , Managed share: 25.000 € )
- 2018 - 2018 : TM-TUD ( TUD , , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 32.000 € , Managed share: 32.000 € )
- 2018 - 2018 : Landeskunde Digital ( SMWK , 20171204 , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 380.000 € , Managed share: 80.000 € )
- 2018 - 2018 : Modellathon 2018 ( DHd e.V. , , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 6.000 € , Managed share: 2.500 € )
- 2018 - 2018 : DFG_LIS Forschungspool ( TUD , 762-BMBF , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 7.300 € , Managed share: 7.300 € )
2018 - 2023 : DFG Wiss. Netzwerk ( DFG , 395536813 , Role: Spokesperson , Total Budget: 70.000 € , Managed share: 70.000 € ) - 2019 - 2020 : Time Machine ( European Commission , 820323 , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 1.000.000 € , Managed share: 40.000 € )
- 2019 - 2020 : TMPC ( SMWK , 100377090 , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 300.000 € , Managed share: 300.000 € )
- 2020 - 2022 : Digital4Humanities ( BMBF , 16DHB3006 , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 500.000 € , Managed share: 500.000 € )
- 2020 - 2022 : Denkmalschutz4D ( DBU , 35654/01 , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 127.000 € , Managed share: 127.000 € )
2020 - 2020 : TMPC Jena ( TMWWDG , 2020 FGI 0045 , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 65.000 € , Managed share: 65.000 € ) - 2021 - 2023 : HistKI ( BMBF , 01UG2120A , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 600.000 € , Managed share: 160.000 € )
- 2021 - 2021 : S3 ( European Commission , , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 100.000 € , Managed share: 100.000 € )
2021 - 2023 : 3DViewer - Stage 1 ( DFG , 439948010 , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 720.000 € , Managed share: 200.000 € ) - 2020 - 2021 : EC VIGIE ( European Commission , VIGIE 2020-0655 , Role: PI (via TMO) , Total Budget: 100.000 € , Managed share: 0 € )
- 2021 - 2025 : ThinKI ( BMBF , 16DHBKI085 , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 3.500.000 € , Managed share: 300.000 € )
- 2019 - 2023 : TUD-Sylber2 - TP 6 Digitalisierung als Querschnittsthema für die Lehrerbildung ( BMBF , , Role: PI & WP lead (via TUD-INF-DDI) , Total Budget: 6.500.000 € , Managed share: 809.476 € )
- 2019 - 2023 : OVK2 - Online-Vorbereitungskurse ( European Commission , , Role: PI & WP lead (via TUD-INF-DDI) , Total Budget: 1.200.000 € , Managed share: 300.000 € )
- 2019 - 2020 : Schullogin ( SMWK , , Role: Coordinator (via TUD-INF-DDI) , Total Budget: 150.000 € , Managed share: 150.000 € )
- 2022 - 2027 : NFDI4Memory ( DFG , 501609550 , Role: Co-Applicant (via Institution), Total Budget: 15.000.000 € , Managed share: 0 € )
- 2023 - 2023 : MSCJ Grant - DHNet reloaded ( MSCJ , 062095-501 , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 9.095 € , Managed share: 9.095 € )
- 2022 - 2024 : C4Education ( European Commission , 101060350 , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 622.000 € , Managed share: 383.000 € )
- 2023 - 2024 : 5DCulture ( European Commission , 101100778 , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 2.000.000 € , Managed share: 10.000 € )
- 2023 - 2024 : European Data Space for Cultural Heritage ( European Commission , CNECT/LUX/2021/OP/0070 , Role: PI (via TMO) , Total Budget: 7.000.000 € , Managed share: 0 € )
- 2020 - 2021 : Semantics4Art&Architecture. Konsolidierung einer nachhaltigen Forschungsinfrastruktur für die ontologiebasierte Dokumentation und Erschließung von Kunst und Architektur ( DFG , 401756994 , Role: WP lead , Total Budget: , Managed share: 30.000 € )
- 2020 - 2021 : Modellathon 2021 ( Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, 2020-440SI-06 , Role: Co-Applicant , Total Budget: 9.981 € , Managed share: 9.981 € )
- 2022 - 2024 : Lehr-Lern-Hub: Digital History (DHLabor) ( Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre, FRFMM-334/2022 , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 416.970 € , Managed share: 230.000 € )
- 2022 - 2022 : Jena4D ( Kulturstiftung des Bundes, DIV.0782 , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 220.000 € , Managed share: 180.000 € )
2023 - 2027 : Nucleus Jena ( BMBF, 03IHS234A , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 9.000.000 € , Managed share: 508.000 € ) - 2023 - 2023 : KIC SUGA ( European Commission , 101112064 , Role: PI (via TMO) , Total Budget: 6.000.000 € , Managed share: 40.000 € )
2024 - 2027 : DigiCHER ( European Commission, 101132481 , Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 9.000.000 € , Managed share: 400.000 € ) - 2024 - 2027 : Indux-R ( European Commission, Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 3.900.000 € , Managed share: 655.000 € )
- 2024 - 2025 : 3DViewer - Stage 2 ( DFG, 439948010 , Role: Coordinator , Total Budget: 720.000 € , Managed share: 326.543 € )
- 2024-2027 : Meta-Museum (EU-HEU, 101132488, Role: PI & WP lead , Total Budget: 2,8 MEUR, 200 TEUR)
- 2024 : Fotolabor Schleiz (TMWWDG, 2023-12-20_BE(LA)_Münster, 50 TEUR , Managed share: 50 TEUR)
- 2025-2026: 3DBigDataSpace (EU-DEP, 101173385), 1,95 MEUR inkl. PP, Koordinator, Managed share: 408 TEUR)
Teaching Activities
Betreute Habilitationen
- Dr. phil. Iyad AlDajani (seit 2024) Practical Philosophy in Digital Humanities Studies - From Theory to Practice.
Betreute Dissertationen
- Alfayoumi, B. (seit 2024) Utilizing AI Techniques for Tagging, Extracting Information, and Classifying a Large Text Corpus to Synchronize Data with Time, Place, and Person links.
- Rajan, V. (seit 2024) 3D of Historical Buildings using Historic & Contemporary Datasets reconstruction.
- Esposito, A. (seit 2022) Digital technologies in the analysis of the perception of Caspar David Friedrich's paintings.
- Maile, M. (seit 2021) Wissensorganisation und -repräsentation in der Virtuellen Realität. Vom 3D-Rekonstruktionsmodell zum eigenständigen Wissensobjekt – eine epistemologische Untersuchung eines digitalen technikhistorischen Artefakts.
- Kröber, C. (seit 2016) Investigating requirements and support for research with digital media repositories in art and architectural history (Dissertationsvorhaben, Lehrstuhl für Bildungstechnologie, TU-Dresden, Betreuer: S. Münster).
- Prell, M. (2018-2025) Sozioreligiöse Nähe digital operationalisieren und analysieren: Das Briefnetzwerk
der pietistischen Gräfin Erdmuthe Benigna von Reuß-Ebersdorf (1670-1732) (Zweitbetreuung). - DeKramer, M. (2016-2022) Decision-Making Processes and Certainties in Heritage Reconstructions Using the Example of Larochette Castle, Luxembourg (Gutachter).
- Maiwald, F. (2017-2022) Entwicklung photogrammetrischer Verfahren zur 4D-Dokumentation von Gebäuden aus großen Bilddatenbanken (Lehrstuhl für Photogrammetrie, TU-Dresden, Betreuer: H.-G. Maas, Mentor: S. Münster).
- Ying, S. (2015-2020) Generating implications for design by designer with empirical findings (Lehrstuhl für Bildungstechnologie, TU-Dresden, Betreuer: T. Köhler & S. Münster).
Betreute studentische Graduierungsarbeiten
Regelmäßige Betreuung von Graduierungsarbeiten. Beispiele:- Marlene Kropp (Zweitbetreuung, MA, FSU Jena, Kunstgeschichte, 2024) Limousiner Emails und das kunsthistorische Potential digitaler Sammlungsbestände.
- Simon Franzen (Zweitbetreuung, MA, FSU Jena, Geoinformatik, 2024) Potentiale und Grenzen von HGIS: Eine raumbezogene Analyse der Niedergerichtsprotokolle Tallinns (1634-1659).
- Anne Hiltscher (Zweitbetreuung, MA, FSU Jena, Geschichte, 2020)
- Nedelcho Stoyanov (Erstbetreuung, BA, TU Dresden, Medieninformatik, 2018)
- Carmen Günther (Erstbetreuung, MA, TU Dresden, EWI, 2018)
- Jana Zelle (Zweitbetreuung, MA, TU Dresden, EWI, 2018)
- Ebenschwanger, D. (2017) Digital Reconstruction – Perception of Historical Buildings in Virtual Reality, Universität Regensburg, Betreuer: C. Wolff, D. Isemann & S. Münster).
- Abdalla; M: (2017) Virtual Globes as Scientific Information Media: Data Integration, Modes of Interaction, and Performance in Theory and Practice (in cooperation with the Institute of Cartography).
- Klein; T: (2017) Interaktive Tafelbilder im Geschichtsunterricht. Kriterien orientierte Qualitätsüberprüfung von Tafelbildern (Masterarbeit, Erziehungswissenschaften).
- Bruschke, J. (2015). DokuVis – Ein Dokumentationssystem für digitale Rekonstruktionen (Masterarbeit, Professur für Medieninformatik, HTW Dresden, Betreuer: M. Wacker & S. Münster).
- Schmid, M.: Landscape and Archaeology in the virtual 3D model -"Ethno-Nature Park Uch-Enmek" (Altai, Russia), Diploma thesis (in cooperation with the Institute of Cartography) 2012.
- Schubert, C.: Improved graphics and integration for the 3D landscape model of ethno-Nature Park "Uch-Enmek" (Altai) using OpenWebGlobe, study work (in cooperation with the Institute of Cartography) 2013.
- Schubert, C .: Information Integration in the 3D landscape model of ethno-Nature Park "Uch-Enmek" (Altai) using OpenWebGlobe, Diploma thesis (in cooperation with the Institute of Cartography at the TU Dresden) 2013.
- Weller, H.: Generalized 3D building representations in the tension of primary information, modeling effort and recognition by the example of a 3D city model of Dresden in 1940, Diploma thesis (in cooperation with the Institute of Cartography at the TU Dresden) 2013.
- Beyer, S.: Studies on the implementation of the seasonality in 3-dimensional landscape models, Diploma thesis (in cooperation with the Institute of Cartography at the TU Dresden) 2014.
- Schietzold, S.: Augmented Reality with 3D content on mobile devices, study work (cooperation with the Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology) 2013.
Wissenschaftliche Lehrveranstaltungen (Auswahl bis 2018)
- 2017/2018: Interdisziplinäres Seminar „Stadtgeschichte3D“, TU & HTW Dresden, gefördert durch das Hochschuldidaktische Zentrum Sachsen.
- 2017/2018: Seminar: „Projektmanagement in Projekten zur Bildungsmedienerstellung“, TU Dresden.
- Seit 2017: Ko-Betreuung des internationalen und interdisziplinären Doktorandenkolloquiums „Education & Technology“
- 2016: Gastseminar: „Lunchtime seminar“, Institute for Information Studies, University College London.
- 2016: Gastvorlesung: „Using digital 3D reconstruction methods for visual humanities research and education“, Institute for Information Technologies, City University London.
- 2016: Gastvorlesung: „Digitale 3D-Rekonstruktion“, als Teil der Vorlesung „Digital and Computational Art History” (Medieninformatik), Institut für Information und Medien, University of Regensburg.
- 2016: Praxisseminar: „Medizinische 3D-Animation“ (TU Dresden, Fakultät Informatik, gefördert als Lehrinnovationsprojekt durch das Hochschuldidaktische Zentrum Sachsen)
- 2014/2015: Workshop: „Video in der Lehre“, Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum Sachsen.
- 2014: Seminar „Digitale Bildtechniken“, TU Dresden, Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung der Lehrstühle für Kunstgeschichte und Bildungstechnologie, gefördert als Lehrinnovationsprojekt durch das Hochschuldidaktische Zentrum Sachsen.
- 2013: Workshop: „Research Methods - Grounded Theory“, International Education & Technology Summer School.
- Seit 2011: Lehrbeauftragung: „3D-Animation” (Kurse in deutscher und englischer Sprache gehalten), Hochschule für bildene Künste Dresden.
- 2013: Gastdozent an der Universität Strasbourg, Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaften.
- 2010–2014: Praxisseminar: „Maxon Cinema 4D für Einsteiger“, TU Dresden.
- 2010–2014: Praxisseminar: „Maxon Cinema 4D Praxiskurs“, TU Dresden.
Sonstige Lehrtätigkeiten
- 2018: Organisation eines studentischen „Modellathons“ zur Jahrestagung 2018 des Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V. (finanzielle Förderung durch den Dachverband DHd e.V.)
- 2012: „Lernen mit 3D-Objekten“, Q2P Bildungsnetzwerk.
- 2008: Sächsischer Jugendmedientag: Outtake 08, Kurs zu „3D-Animation“
- 2007: Kurs: „Character-Animation mit Maxon Cinema 4D“, TU Dresden
- 2006: Kurs: „Grundlagen der 3D-Animation“, TU Dresden
Kursorganisation zu Forschungsmethoden
- 2011–2013: Ko-Veranstalter der Workshopreihe „Design promoviert“ an der TU Dresden.
- 2011–2012: Initiator der Workshop-Reihe „Qualitative Forschungsmethoden für Promovierende”, TU Dresden.
- Seit 2016: Absolvierung von Kursbausteinen zum Erwerb des sächsischen Hochschuldidaktik-Zertifikats:
- 2017/2018: Kursmodul 1 des Hochschuldidaktischen Zertifikats, Hochschuldidaktisches Zentrum Sachsen.
- Seit 2016: Kursmodul 2 des Hochschuldidaktischen Zertifikats mit den Kursen: „Abschlussarbeiten wirksam betreuen“, TU Dresden, Zentrum für Weiterbildung. „Projektbasierte Seminare managen“, TU Dresden, Zentrum für Weiterbildung.