Forschungsprojekt Akustisch-phonetische Variabilität in kind- und erwachsenen-gerichteter Sprache bei Eltern während der frühkindlichen Erziehung (AVarE)
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Foto: Melanie Weirich
- Weirich, M. & Simpson, A.P. (2023) Changes in parents’ phonetic parameters during the first year of a child’s life. Comparative study of German and Swedish. In: 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Prague.
- Weirich M. & Simpson, A. (2019) Effects of Gender, Parental Role, and Time on Infant- and Adult-Directed Read and Spontaneous Speech. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. 1-14 .link zum ArtikelExterner Link
- Weirich, M., Simpson, A. P., Öjbro, J., & Ericsdotter Nordgren, C. (2019). The phonetics of gender in Swedish and German. In Proceedings of FONETIK 2019 (pp. 49–53). link zum ArtikelExterner Link
- Weirich M. & Simpson, A. (2018) Gender identity is indexed and perceived in speech. PLoS ONE 13(12):e0209226. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0209226 link zum ArtikelExterner Link
- Weirich, M. & Simpson, A. (2017) Acoustic correlates of parental role and gender identity in the speech of expecting parents, Interspeech, Stockholm, 924-928. [pdfExterner Link]
- Weirich, M. & Simpson, A. (2016) Changes in IDS and ADS during parental leave - project sketch and first results of pilot studies. Proceedings of the 12th meeting on "Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum" (P&P12), Munich, 224-227. [pdfExterner Link]