Merian CALAS Cono Sur

Colombia Day 2023

Merian CALAS Cono Sur und Brasilien
Merian CALAS Cono Sur
Illustration: CALAS
Colombian Day_2023
Colombian Day_2023
Illustration: JCR_Uni Jena

June 22, 2023. Time: 1:30 PM onwards

Join the Colombia Day at Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies, where we'll be unraveling a groundbreaking approach to peace in Colombia. Don't miss out on this enlightening academic event!

Seminarraum 206, Carl-Zeiß-Str. 3, FSU Jena. Hörsaal 144, UHG, Fürstengraben 1, FSU Jena

Zoom Meeting Link: Link

Meeting ID: 612 3800 2078 Passcode: JCRS-CD

Be part of this transformative academic event and gain valuable insights into the future of peace in Colombia.

Mark your calendars and join us for an enriching experience that will shape the future of Colombia's peace. Don't miss your chance to be part of history!

For more information, visit our websiteExterner Link 

#TotalPeaceColombia #AcademicEvent #ReconciliationStudies #ColombiaDayJenaCenter"


Immerse yourself in a thought-provoking conference program featuring esteemed experts from around the globe:

  • Petro's Total Peace: A reconciliation-oriented peacebuilding paradigm

Dr. Andrei Gomez (Rodeemos el Diálogo and Professor at the University of Winchester)

  • Locating Common Ground: Total Peace Intersects with Territorial Peace

Prof. Dr. Heriberto Cairo Carou (Complutense University of Madrid)

  • Recommendations of the Truth Commission and Total Peace. 

Prof. Dr. Irene Pihedrahita (University of Antioquia. Former researcher of the Colombian Truth Commission)

  • The Peace Agreement in the National Development Plan of the Petro Administration

Dr. Andrés Felipe Preciado (Foundation Ideas for Peace. Director of the Conflict and Organized Violence research area)

  • Changing Economic Reintegration and Political Participation of Peace Signatories under Petro's 'Total Peace.'

Julian Cortes (FARC Peace signatory)

  •  International Summit on Nonviolence – Caicedo 2023.

Prof. Dr. Martin Leiner and Dr. Laura Villanueva (Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies -JCRS-) 

Moderator: Dr. Luis Peña (Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies -JCRS-)

  • Round off the day with a special screening of "Strangers to Peace" followed by an engaging Q&A session with the producer, Dr. Colleen Alena O'Brien.